Tank Thread and Tanking GDT XIX: Tankception (BUF @ CBJ)

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Gare's "Partner"
May 20, 2006
Rochester, NY
Continued from Tank Thread and Tanking GDT XVIII: Final Stretch?!?! (Arizona @ Calgary)

As of 4/8 | BUF | ARI
Games Played | 80 | 80 |
Games Remaining | 2 | 2 |
Points | 54 | 56 |
McEichel Number | | 2 |
% of finishing 30th | 93 | 7 |

Convenient Link w/schedule for all 3 teams: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...3QhNNqbpofBFS_dVd-4/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true


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Tapu Coco

Registered User
Jan 23, 2013
This shouldn't even be about who's right and who's wrong anymore. One more loss.

Arizona winning is much less likely than us losing at this point


"Eric Cartman?"
May 10, 2007
In the Panderverse
Originally Posted by MayDay
I think the fact that this has come down to the last couple days of the season, where a couple stray bounces could change the result, has proved the "Chicken Littles" to be completely right and justified in their concern.

Whereas the confident crowd was proclaiming back in the fall that this was one of the worst teams of all time, cited Corsi and Fenwick, and confidently asserted that all the wins in November wouldn't matter and that the Sabres would be in last place by a huge margin by the end of the season. I think they have clearly been proven wrong.

And rebuttal by Zip15:
I said we'd finish double-digits behind Edmonton when we were 10 pts up on them. And I'm pretty close to being correct. Isn't being right on the Internet fun?

The Chicken Littles also said on about four different occasions that the Coyotes wouldn't win another game or earn another point. They have been proven wrong. Again and again.

Our odds are over 90%. We're playing a road game against a team that is 9-0-1 in their last 10. I'm perfectly justified in my confidence, and I won't let woe-is-me, this-is-Buffalo gloom and doom convince me otherwise.

At the end of the day, we'll finish 30th. Which is what I, and many others have said, for the last five months while people around us were losing their minds. I said let's count them up after 82 as person after person said we were better than Edmonton, Carolina, Arizona, etc.

And I'll be right. Meanwhile, you and others like you have said for weeks that we'll finish 29th. You will be proven wrong. Again.

I'll join Zip's voice of truth, logic, and sanity.

On simple "coin flip" random probability:

1. BUF still has a 95% chance of 30th place.

2. Of the 25 possible point distribution scenarios between ARI and BUF in the remaining 4 games, only 3 of those scenarios result in ARI finishing 30th, and the combined probabilities of those 3 point scenarios is 5%.

3. Since these games are not random coin-flips, I must again point out: BUF still has 100% control of finishing 30th.

4. All you "chicken littles" - do you read the warning labels on medications then freak out and not take it when you read the possible side effects?

5. Do the verbal warnings, cautions, and admonitions on TV when certain medications are hawked make you cringe in fear and want to call your parent / grandparent who's taking a blood pressure medication and tell them to stop?

6. I'd hate to hear how some of you people react when given medical diagnoses with potential adverse outcomes. No offense intended to anyone who is dealing with that, but I couldn't think of another example.

I'm >>95% confident Buffalo will clinch 30th for two reasons: The simple odds favor it, AND (more importantly) they control their own destiny.


Panickin' 4 Hanifin
Feb 28, 2007
Old Dominion State
I'll join Zip's voice of truth, logic, and sanity.

On simple "coin flip" random probability:

1. BUF still has a 95% chance of 30th place.

2. Of the 25 possible point distribution scenarios between ARI and BUF in the remaining 4 games, only 3 of those scenarios result in ARI finishing 30th, and the combined probabilities of those 3 point scenarios is 5%.

3. Since these games are not random coin-flips, I must again point out: BUF still has 100% control of finishing 30th.

Ted Nolan.


We're all mad here
Mar 22, 2007
Rochester, NY
4. All you "chicken littles" - do you read the warning labels on medications then freak out and not take it when you read the possible side effects?

I stopped eating anything with Olestra in it after reading "anal leakage" on the packaging. That's not a side effect, it's an EFFECT.

Every time we win a game, I suffer a little anal leakage.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
I'll join Zip's voice of truth, logic, and sanity.

On simple "coin flip" random probability:

1. BUF still has a 95% chance of 30th place.

2. Of the 25 possible point distribution scenarios between ARI and BUF in the remaining 4 games, only 3 of those scenarios result in ARI finishing 30th, and the combined probabilities of those 3 point scenarios is 5%.

3. Since these games are not random coin-flips, I must again point out: BUF still has 100% control of finishing 30th.

4. All you "chicken littles" - do you read the warning labels on medications then freak out and not take it when you read the possible side effects?

5. Do the verbal warnings, cautions, and admonitions on TV when certain medications are hawked make you cringe in fear and want to call your parent / grandparent who's taking a blood pressure medication and tell them to stop?

6. I'd hate to hear how some of you people react when given medical diagnoses with potential adverse outcomes. No offense intended to anyone who is dealing with that, but I couldn't think of another example.

I'm >>95% confident Buffalo will clinch 30th for two reasons: The simple odds favor it, AND (more importantly) they control their own destiny.

Not that you're wrong but thats an odd thing to say about this. I usually associate that with trying to do something (winning) to make an outcome happen (make the playoffs, etc). As opposed to having something the team itself is trying to prevent happening (losing) being something we control.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2006
Greenwich, CT
I just want this to be over. I'm so sick of the way it's consuming my thoughts. I woke up this morning sad. After a minute I realized it was because they blew a chance at a point last night. I still think they're going to get the job done, but I just want it over and out of my head.

Sabre Dance

Make Hockey Fun Again
Jul 27, 2006
So we get 30th but 29th wins the lottery, will you be upset? All this worrying for nothing.

5 Minute Major

Sabres Fan
Dec 4, 2010
Vestal, NY
I'm quite interested in tonight's Columbus/Toronto game. I believe Columbus will give a great effort but I will be watching them closely.
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