Steady decline in youth hockey participation in Canada raises concerns about the future of sport

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Based Anime Fan

Himedanshi Bandit
Mar 11, 2012
Holy over generalization Batman
They're not wrong.

Organizations are having issues getting coaches and officials now, because abusive behaviour from parents and guardians. The piddly compensation for officiating isn't worth getting screamed at non-stop by some garbage monster parent because their 7 year old crotch goblin broke a rule and got a penalty.

And it's not just yelling. Thrown objects, threats, being encountered and physically intimidated after games, parents calling the governing body asking for punishment.

Coaches are becoming rare as well; it's a lot of time sunk for no return. Most coaches I work with don't love it anymore and it feels like a grind to them.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2010
It's not just about cable, it's about the NHL product as a whole being inaccessible. You need to have multiple paid streaming platforms to watch games, and even then you have to combat with multiple nation blackouts. It's absolutely ridiculous that I need a VPN to watch games in this day and age.

Yeah the league is actively working against fans trying to watch all for the sake of short term $ gains.

Then you consider how hard it would be for someone to be exposed to hockey randomly and become a fan.. and the odds seem quite low.


Jan 21, 2011
They're not wrong.

Organizations are having issues getting coaches and officials now, because abusive behaviour from parents and guardians. The piddly compensation for officiating isn't worth getting screamed at non-stop by some garbage monster parent because their 7 year old crotch goblin broke a rule and got a penalty.

And it's not just yelling. Thrown objects, threats, being encountered and physically intimidated after games, parents calling the governing body asking for punishment.

Coaches are becoming rare as well; it's a lot of time sunk for no return. Most coaches I work with don't love it anymore and it feels like a grind to them.
Crotch goblin :laugh:
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Registered User
Sep 17, 2021
It's not just about cable, it's about the NHL product as a whole being inaccessible. You need to have multiple paid streaming platforms to watch games, and even then you have to combat with multiple nation blackouts. It's absolutely ridiculous that I need a VPN to watch games in this day and age.
Guys, back then Hockey on TV was only on Saturday! Remember the real La Soirée du Hockey. Once a week!!!! And hockey was everywhere when I was a kid. People were listening it on the radio.......

Difference now here, is Hockey was a religion, a culturel game. Now it is a product... compared to other product and service.

Hockey has never been more accessible!
Money is a factor, but diversity in every sense is a big big factor.
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Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Hockey is more like a canary in the coal mine given the expensive equipment. Sports participation, interest in professional sports is waning among the generations. Regardless of whether you're the NHL or another pro sports league there is definitely reason for some concern with aging populations and a smaller younger population not buying in as much to your product.

Gregor Samsa

Registered User
Sep 5, 2020
Not much more to add that hasn’t already been said but I think the NBA rags to riches stories aren’t exactly fair. Those players aren’t exactly “everymen”. Those guys were blessed with size that 95% of people don’t have

Dirty Dan

Saturday Night Lupul
May 5, 2010
in ur crease
Not much more to add that hasn’t already been said but I think the NBA rags to riches stories aren’t exactly fair. Those players aren’t exactly “everymen”. Those guys were blessed with size that 95% of people don’t have
You gotta be 6'5+ and be in an area with good weather and just play everyday. You don't need money


Oct 29, 2008
Scarborough, ON
It bums me out thinking about all the lost potential. Who knows how many players the league has missed out on because parents couldn't afford to put their kids through youth hockey.
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Jason MacIsaac

Registered User
Jan 13, 2004
Halifax, NS
To be honest, I am having more fun playing high level ball hockey later in my life and wouldn’t mind the grass roots programs to get to the level of Ontario, Canada wide. Every city seems to have multiple outdoor rinks in Ontario and tiered leagues all the way up to provincials. Nova Scotia has an Ok good league in Halifax, and that’s it.

It’s way cheaper to play ball hockey and it keeps you in better shape.


Galactic Defender
May 31, 2008
To be honest, i really hate the culture of minor hockey. Thats driving me away more than the cost.

There's a really toxic aspect now. It's too competitive and way too much focus on development and keeping up with the joneses. Real machismo vibes still and people are looking at their kids with dollar signs in their eyes.

And this is f***ing house league. Like you cant just sign your kids up for hockey and let them play. Gotta do the camps. The power skating. The skills workshops. The backyard rink. Maybe use your sisters address one town over to get them registered on two teams.

Because the other parents think their kid is their retirement plan. And they're doing it. And the sport sucks for the kids who aren't the very best. Because the coaches are reliving their Junior B glory days and bringing that same bullshit toxic competitive culture with them. My kids tier 3 house league has coaches that wear collared shirts and ties behind the bench. They shorten their benches. It's f***ing gross.

HC needs to introduce a true cheapish just-for-fun league. Thats what house league is supposed to be, but it's far from it.

Get the future mcdavids and their f***ed-up parents and coaches on a separate track sooner. Make elite programs for them and make them the best. But give the other 99% of us an affordable fun sport for our kids where we can avoid the whackjobs and this horseshit competitive culture.

Stop treating all of youth hockey in canada like its one big selection camp. One big haystack hiding gretzkys and mcdavid needles somewhere inside.

Re-post, but this sums up my thoughts.

For me it's not cost, it's the culture. People forgot it's supposed to be fun.
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Registered User
Nov 29, 2018
No surprise. Living is unaffordable for most families in Canada right now. Throw in $10-$15k (plus equipment) on top to play elite level sports, and it’s not feasible in the slightest.

Start with the housing and affordability crisis in Canada and go from there.
All by design unfortunately. Sports used to be something that can change your financial standing in a caste society. That is rapidly decreasing worldwide, not just Canada


Registered User
Jun 26, 2024
this article is nonsense. its written in brampton a large illegal and corrupt immigration area outside Toronto.

Hockey Canada does not care about this area due to politics and the community chasing out few levels of hockey associations.

Hockey numbers are higher than ever. the #s wont show it cause they dont count under 9 anymore as part of hockey or hockey Canada its local community clubs

if you are under 12 you can claim free equipment and keep registration cost down very easily.


Registered User
Oct 6, 2013
As a dad of a young son and young daughter I can tell you it’s not just hockey that has a problem. The professionalization of all youth sports and activities is out of control.

It breaks two directions but if your kid is somewhat talented you are kind of f***ed if they want to go “competitive”. They don’t even have to be talented in some activities for the cash grab.

My buddies daughter was good at fastball and got “monotracked” 10-12 thousand a year later (before parents travel) and 11 month a year commitment from when she was 13 on. My daughter is decent at Gymanastics but started late…..even then the grind is still on as she has gone up a few levels and now its 3 days a week x 4.5 hours per practice session and $5000 before travel. Don’t get me started on the for profit world of “Dance or Cheer”

Hockey you can put your kid in “house” and it’s generally about $1500 max plus equipment, one practice and one game per week.

There is no cheap sport if you are talented because they have found a way turn them all into for profit businesses. AAA hockey if you want to go full bells and whistles can get really pricy but so can any sport if your kid is good enough.

It’s all a problem but there are usually cheaper options if kids want to play for fun only.

And this is problem in every western country. It is sad as f*** :(
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Registered User
Dec 21, 2023
Canadians can't play hockey when they're standing in line for food banks
Yep, everything has doubled or tripled in prices, but the wages have not doubled or tripled. No wonder people can't afford to have their kids play hockey. It's a choice between having food on the table or having your kids play hockey.
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Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
Combination of cost and parents not wanting to place their kids in a sport that leads to full contact.

But let's not try and spin it any other way than what it truly is. The primary reasons for the decline are cost, cost and more cost.

If all you're looking to do is get your kid involved there are other more affordable activities. But if you're looking to actually get your kid in the system you have more than equipment costs. There is hockey camp, tourney's, etc. Being heavily involved in the hockey system is a lifestyle.

Hockey was always an expensive sport, but with the cost of living so high and wages not increasing to match that, more and more common people just straight up don't have the same disposable income they did 20+ years ago. It is now more than ever a sport for the privileged.


Registered User
May 4, 2009
In the big picture, it's not just the cost. It's the increasing knowledge of brain injuries and which sports are more susceptible to them.

No, it’s the cost

Kids who are joining hockey for the first time aren’t getting head injuries.

Those risks don’t happen until late teen years at least


Registered User
May 4, 2009
When I was growing up every school had an outdoor rink now you don't see those with new schools. Playing in a league gets expensive but most people can afford a pair of skates and a stick. You don't even see kids playing street hockey anymore.

“A pair”?

I have 3 kids. You know how much 3 pairs of skates alone costs?


Registered User
Apr 15, 2007
I coach AA in Sudbury and it easily costs parents $10-15k plus per season after hotels and travel costs
I don't mind the cost and travel, it's the toxic coaches and politics that bother me. I had 3 kids in hockey last year, two of my kids got so turned off because of terrible HL coaches and won't be playing this coming year.


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