We're Touched
I could buy this argument if Jango did anything at all. But he didn't. None of the Mandalorian anti-Jedi tricks or weapons were used. No flame throwers or whipcords or jet packs or darts or beskar*. Jango didn't even move. He stood still, with his arm out, and just blasted Master Tabor a couple times. Count Dooku didn't do anything, either (didn't even draw his weapon). This wasn't some incredible match-up, it was a Jedi High Council member being ganked by a couple pistol shots.Well not really. That was a blaster shot from probably the best bouny hunter in the galaxy at the time - a true Mandalorian warrior in Jango Fett, while staring down Count Dooku whom was right there of course. A bit more significant than a sneaky dagger from this evil twin person.
*beskar wasn't a "thing" yet at this point, but that's a whole separate rant of mine for Mandalorian threads about how the "lore" is a hot mess of retcons and multiple writers
Further still, this is just one example. Tons of Jedi have had crummy deaths. Just watch the Order 66 scene, where Kai Adi Mundi is the only one who even puts up a fight. Not to mention the dozens of other Jedi who die in that same battle scene as Master Tabor. Jedi died like chumps all the time.
She's a character with some level of plot significance, but core? If she's "core," so are about 10 other characters. She didn't even appear in episode 2, and it's unclear which future episodes will also feature flashbacks of her. Moreover, the reason she's meaningful to the plot is precisely because she died. She's the instigating event, not the protagonist.Indirra (spelled right?) is a core character, as we've learned. The scale is totally different when it comes to expectations. No matter what happens with her moving forward, barring this being the most special dagger in the world, I will forever think she died like a total chump for a character that is supposed to be meaningful to the story.
If you want to gripe about one of those Jedi dying like a chump - Master Torbin. Just poisoned himself, and did so without saving innocent civilians like Master Indara did. Not to mention - it's been 16 years since the events of the flashback (where he was a Padawan), and he hasn't talked to anyone in 10 years. So he went from Padawan to Master in 6 years? Hmmmm.
This is precisely my point. There are tons of legitimate reasons to hate on this show. Why are people so hung up on this nit-picky, invalid bullshit? Point out the terrible dialogue, miscast actors, inconsistent (at best) make-up and VFX, awkward pacing, etc etc etc. When people start ranting about daggers and space fires it just shows that folks are *trying* to hate the show, and looking for any excuse they can.And there's a lot of reasons to dislike this show. We can't pretend it's been Mandalorian S1 or anything.