Watching the episode from 2 weeks ago (the one that kicks off with Airiam's funeral) now.
I'm halfway in and already I want to pull the chute and quit.
The moment they went "OMG Michael, the angel is you!" almost made me vomit. Even knowing that this is a swerve and they're going in a different (but equally dumb) direction, this whole tiny, small, super-interconnected universe is getting profoundly silly.
The dialogue is so stupid. Culber walks into the Admiral's office and says "you... used to be a therapist." A reasonable statement of a sorta-questioning nature for someone who might not have known that fact before. And her response is an almost sarcastic sounding "yes, I'm aware!". A goddamn therapist shouldn't be talking in a way that sounds like they're brushing off someone who obviously came to them for help.
And Michael can't emote for crap. Her "rrrr, angry!" bit with whats-his-face, the second 31 guy, was laughable. She has like 3 tricks in her bag: furrowed brow, bad cry, and smug messiah complex. She's like the female version of Jared Padalecki from Supernatural. Except that Padalecki actually has charisma and likeability that compensates. Burnham's actress is so wooden that she might as well be made out of popsicle sticks and those glue sticks that smell like stale crackers.
I swear to god it's like the show is trying to make me hate it. There was lots of crap in Enterprise that I didn't like, but I never felt this underpinning sense of constant frustration with it that I do with this show.
I also know people that loooove Tilly. My mom, who is a huge trekkie and got me into Star Trek when I was a kid, thinks she's funny and great and can't understand why she irritates me so much when I told her that was the case.
I don't get how people don't understand that even in the modern age of 'everyone is special and is who they are and we shouldn't tell them to change.' that there's a certain level of professional decorum that one should expect out of someone who works in an organization with a quasi-military structure and protocol. Tilly is barely functional as a professional. She should be working in a lab somewhere that doesn't require her to do things like interact with people and be concise and direct and possibly have to lead people.
I started out hopeful, then became disappointed, then jaded, then mocking, and now I'm just... I don't know... tired of it.