OT - NO POLITICS Spring has sprung

Welcome to spring in New England. Where thermostats have simultaneous heat and A/C modes that are actually used (mine's set to 72/76 and both have gone on in a single day).
It isn't just New England. Here in Chicago, it was 58 degrees on Wednesday. Beautiful day. Wednesday overnight we got thunder-snow and 8 confirmed tornados in the metro area. By the time I got up Thursday morning, I had 3 inches of snow on the ground. By Thursday afternoon it was back up to 56 and the snow was gone.
I have been making fires in the wood stove at night only. House got to 80 last night (with bedroom doors closed) but I have not had to make one in the morning for a while so I am going to say its a win. Probably going back to 24/7 this week.
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It isn't just New England. Here in Chicago, it was 58 degrees on Wednesday. Beautiful day. Wednesday overnight we got thunder-snow and 8 confirmed tornados in the metro area. By the time I got up Thursday morning, I had 3 inches of snow on the ground. By Thursday afternoon it was back up to 56 and the snow was gone.
I can concur that it isn't just New England. We went from 80 degrees on Monday to barely 50 on Wednesday with 45+mph wind. We are sunny today and 65 but the wind has returned after a one day reprieve. It has truly been a roller coaster the last 2 weeks.
Sad to see the warmer weather. Time for the annual reverse seasonal depression yayyyy

Got to ski 1 day this season. Spent all but 1 run on the bunny slopes.
I don't mind spring but I hate the heat and humidity that comes after, summer feels like it lasts forever. Funny how others think winter lasts forever! I absolutely believe SAD works both ways.
They said in 2 weeks they want me to bend it 90 degrees and straighten to 0...
Not seeing that, It was so messed up I couldn't straighten it before surgery...and flexibility has never been a strength of mine
Be sure to do all of the exercises they give you.

I remember when my hip got bad missing being able to sit like an Indian. I always sat like that until a few years before my surgery. Now (at 72) I can sit like that again and often do. For whatever reason it helps my back pain
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I think it's probably ahead of where other one was although this one was way worse presurgery

Worst thing is you spend 10 minutes trying to get into a comfy position and it doesn't work and then undo everything to start again
Glad you are on the mend.

I feel the last part deeply. Hopefully this will settle down soon!
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Spring is definitely here.....the Canada Geese are taking over, peering at us from the tops of buildings, strutting through the parking lots, they are not scared of ANYTHING! I have never seen one fly away in panic or hurry across a road. If you honk at them, they honk back and stand there in defiance, just prolonging your wait while they stroll across eventually.

Spring is definitely here.....the Canada Geese are taking over, peering at us from the tops of buildings, strutting through the parking lots, they are not scared of ANYTHING! I have never seen one fly away in panic or hurry across a road. If you honk at them, they honk back and stand there in defiance, just prolonging your wait while they stroll across eventually.

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We have a ton of Canada geese here. They are definitely not shy. They love to parade through our parking lot at work leaving trails of poop.
My duplex neighbor just adopted a one year old cat from the shelter today. She had her eye on one cat and actually had her on hold, but when she got there she wasn't sure about it and there was a mom and daughter who were interested, so she said they could have her. Then she saw this cat and fell in love.

I haven't met her yet because she is apparently very shy and nervous and is hiding under her bed. Her name is currently Luna but that will be changing, she hasn't decided to what yet.
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