OT - NO POLITICS Spring has sprung

Welcome to spring in New England. Where thermostats have simultaneous heat and A/C modes that are actually used (mine's set to 72/76 and both have gone on in a single day).
It isn't just New England. Here in Chicago, it was 58 degrees on Wednesday. Beautiful day. Wednesday overnight we got thunder-snow and 8 confirmed tornados in the metro area. By the time I got up Thursday morning, I had 3 inches of snow on the ground. By Thursday afternoon it was back up to 56 and the snow was gone.
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I have been making fires in the wood stove at night only. House got to 80 last night (with bedroom doors closed) but I have not had to make one in the morning for a while so I am going to say its a win. Probably going back to 24/7 this week.
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It isn't just New England. Here in Chicago, it was 58 degrees on Wednesday. Beautiful day. Wednesday overnight we got thunder-snow and 8 confirmed tornados in the metro area. By the time I got up Thursday morning, I had 3 inches of snow on the ground. By Thursday afternoon it was back up to 56 and the snow was gone.
I can concur that it isn't just New England. We went from 80 degrees on Monday to barely 50 on Wednesday with 45+mph wind. We are sunny today and 65 but the wind has returned after a one day reprieve. It has truly been a roller coaster the last 2 weeks.
Sad to see the warmer weather. Time for the annual reverse seasonal depression yayyyy

Got to ski 1 day this season. Spent all but 1 run on the bunny slopes.
I don't mind spring but I hate the heat and humidity that comes after, summer feels like it lasts forever. Funny how others think winter lasts forever! I absolutely believe SAD works both ways.
They said in 2 weeks they want me to bend it 90 degrees and straighten to 0...
Not seeing that, It was so messed up I couldn't straighten it before surgery...and flexibility has never been a strength of mine
Be sure to do all of the exercises they give you.

I remember when my hip got bad missing being able to sit like an Indian. I always sat like that until a few years before my surgery. Now (at 72) I can sit like that again and often do. For whatever reason it helps my back pain
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I think it's probably ahead of where other one was although this one was way worse presurgery

Worst thing is you spend 10 minutes trying to get into a comfy position and it doesn't work and then undo everything to start again
Glad you are on the mend.

I feel the last part deeply. Hopefully this will settle down soon!
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