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Professional Hockey League Coming To The Sunshine State
Posted on October 26, 2022
By Shawn Johnson
It all started with a simple Facebook status by Nicholas Russo: “When you don’t like the way things are run and done, buy and start your own league. Lol, hello Florida!”. If you don't know who Nick Russo is, he has been involved in hockey for many years. Most recently, with the Motor City Rockers of the Federal Prospects Hockey League.
I reached out to Nick yesterday regarding his post and he asked me to give him a call today. He wanted to cross his t’s and dot his i’s before spilling the beans. Well, we had a great conversation and he is a pleasure to chat with. Here is what we now know:
The league is called South Atlantic Professional Hockey League. The league will consist of 6 teams all in the state of Florida. Nick will be the commissioner and his business partner will own 1, possibly 2 teams. They are currently gaining interest from investors to own the other 4-5 teams.
As of right now, the cities are not set in stone, but Nick did say that the Space Coast region will be headquarters for the league. Cities that are being considered are as follows: Orlando, Fort Myers, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Manatee County and Space Coast. ...
Read (if you dare) more at: Professional Hockey League Coming To The Sunshine State | Bench Minor Hockey
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