Possibly, but there is a pretty limited PS5 Holiday line-up at the moment and it will probably be the go-to child-friendly game (along with Miles Morales) for people who manage to score a console for their kids. Demon Souls is still 89.99 CAD on PSN, and I think the cheapest I saw a non-used Physical copy is 80. Maybe Sony gets Horizon out by Christmas. But coming up I think the big holiday games are the two Bethesda exclusives (Ghostwire:Tokyo and Deathloop).
I bought R&C off PSN today. I wanted to buy it at my local store who usually get games pre-launch but they aren't getting it until Monday at the earliest) and I wasn't going through the hassle of tracking it down in the current environment here (Toronto based) even if I prefer hard copys. I'll admit, it's definitely on the pricy side, but with so few truly next Gen games (basically this, Returnal, Demon Souls-which I'm not buying until I beat Sekiro or Bloodborne, and Miles Morales) it was worth the splurge.