Slugs before Sabres


Registered User
Dec 7, 2022
It occurs to me that the current rebus uniforms are a wholly inappropriate attire for the team to wear.

After all does not the Buffalo/Bison represent primordial strength and brute force?

The curved swords represent sharpness, sophistication of design, and martial prowess.

This team does not represent any of these qualities and haven't for a long time. In fact they have greatly degraded what those symbols once meant.

It is past time to bring back the Buff-a-slug.
What animal is more fitting?

Slugs are hideous, repulsive, soft, and have no brains.

I feel they should wear the Buff-a-Slug until they stop resembling slugs and start resembling Sabres.

That way they can stop confusing themselves with these symbols of strength and competence that they are playing dressing up as.

Cheering for them doesn't work because RJ cheered for them until he died and if he couldn't motivate them none of us can.

Getting mad or booing them doesn't work because they probably don't care and are making enough not to care.

The only thing left is to let them know who they really are. In antiquity this was done with a dunce cap or a jesters cap.

But we need nothing so crass we already have had the perfect jersey and symbol for a team that hasn't made the playoffs in over a decade.

So let's hear it for our Buffalo Slugs!
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Regstred User
Dec 29, 2013
I think we should be inspired by Vegas Golden Knights, our team name should be harder to say. How about Buffalo Punished Slugs?


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