The 2004 World Cup bored me to tears. The only exciting game was the Czech/Canada one and even that had quite a few boring dull parts.
Then find another sport to watch. It's your opinion, of course, but if that tournament was boring, I don't know what the Sochi olympics were. Super-extremely boring, times one milion?
Re. the Olympics and World Cup, I respect mainly the tournaments that are played on NHL ice. The reasons are really clear, unfortunately, there are many blind people it seems. 80-90 % of the players on TOP 6 team's rosters are playing the NHL. Season after season. At least 82 games a year. They are used to the style of play, which is incredibly different from european ice, they are used to the rules and the size of ice, also the size of an offensive zone, etc. To play such a tournament in the same game condition as in the NHL can only help the players and the tournament itself.
Some people will still be making excuses that NHL referees are not a good option, the NHL can't hold it by itself only, etc., etc....that's nonsense. At a best on best tournament, you play the best players of your country, right? And it's no different with reffs. It has been pretty clear the referees that the IIHF has been sending to the WHC are II. or III. tier. You simply want to have the best referees. And those are the NHL ones. Like it or not, that doesn't change the reality.
In my opinion, the World Cup (or the olympics) should be played on NHL ice, with NHL rules, and with NHL referees (plus some european reffs)
Ice Hockey is not 'football' (soccer). You can't play 32 team-tournament. FIFA World Cup has so many teams because almost every nation on this planet plays that game. And mainly there are many great teams in each continent, from Africa, Europe, to South America, North American and Asia. And even then, some great teams are not fortunate enough to participate. Sweden with Ibrahimovic is a good example. In hockey it's different. Why am I saying that? Because I think the World Cup of Hockey should be played with only the best teams, which could be 8-10 teams. Definitely not more. If you want, do a qualification system for those B-level teams like Germany, Latvia, but I would even consider to play the top 6-7 teams only. I would play one group with the teams playing all each other. First 4 would advance to the semi-final and that would be played as a best-of-three series.
Then, the game should be played in a country that really cares about it. Not in South Korea for God's sake. If it's only every four years, the fans should be able to see their best team either on good TV time or even live. Whether it would be in the US, in Canada, or maybe in Europe.