It was simply a rumor that he considered New York at one point and it's entirely your own assumption that Boyle's experience soured him on it. There's no evidence to suggest he doesn't want to be a 3C. There's no evidence to suggest that he wants at least an A. Stop making things up. Is it possible he wants those things? Yes. Is it anywhere remotely close to a fact in the manner that you put it, hell no.
It's been proven time and time again.
- Trade request is well documented.
- Someone else around here provided the Boyle thing. I forget who.
- Okay, no evidence on the A, I'll grant that. Him losing it though was part of what led to those trade requests though. So I would assume he wants one...
- There was significant drama about him not wanting to be 3c since DeBoer got here.
More importantly, someone is asking: hey, what do you THINK Marleau is up to? All I provided was what I THINK Marleau would consider when deciding to change teams based on existing narratives from this team. Irregardless of the level of proof, I am giving a best guess. Doing that accurately will require some level of inference. You are free to tell people what you think Marleau is gonna do. You really think he is going to go chase a cup?