Chernyshov is a beast. Although junior points dont mean that much per se, and hes paired with Misa, and has perekh on the back end. its not like hes carrying the team alone...
Still, it's his size that has to be most exciting. 6'3", 225 as a 19 year old??? Beastly!
I wonder if he gets a chance out of camp next year? Such an amazing competition of hefty forwards coming. haltunnen (6'3" 210), cherny (6'3", 225), Musty (6'2" 200), Bystedt (6'3", 210), Lund (6'2", 195)... If they dont win the lottery and get schaefer, then potentially add martone (6'3", 210) to the list.
That's a lot of beef coupled with a lot of skill.