A write-up of all the major drafted prospects by DailyFaceoff -- not sure if it's been posted.
Notably, negative eval of Dickinson, positive eval of Svoboda and Halttunen. Positive eval of Buium, negative eval of Catton and Bonk.
How did your favorite team’s prospects perform in Ottawa?
Given how many Canadian players got poor grades I'm willing to put the onus on the team and not the players individually.
If one player has a bad tournament, that player did poorly. If almost every player on a team had a bad tournament, it's likely that nothing any one player could've done would've made things better for themselves.
In particular Dickinson's evaluation seems a little unfair because it's mostly concerned with how poorly he adapted to his role, which is bad until you consider that
a) his role was not nearly the same at hte start of the tournament as it was by the end, and playing significantly out of your comfort zone at the beginning is not a recipe for a strong foundation to the tournament and b) Canada
didn't practice. Like, at all, during the tournament. how was he supposed to get back into being a proper facilitator after the Schaefer injury if he never had the chance to learn about his new responsibilities and how to handle his teammates outside of needing to do it on the fly mid-game?
It's also worth remembering that scouting players based on their heroics or failures in short tournaments is usually a fool's errand and has little in common with that player's grander future if the results are not in keeping with what you might know about said player from their much larger sample size of play in their normal league or collections of other tournaments.