Ottawa 2-4 Micrograms/M^3 of toxins today
Amarillo Texas 30-32 micrograms/M^3
Nigeria as a nation ~ 400-450
Central Africa 300-400
Oil producing regions of the world ~ 300-400 micrograms
dead air zones in Europe 50-100 (Mediterranean coast mainly, although as high up as Lyon France). The folks living in the Cote d'Azzure may be rich and enjoying warm, but are sucking in 50-70 micrograms. Well, their money will pay for cancer treatments.
Viva L 'Italia, except for the poor bastards living in the Piedmont region (Cuneo province). 90-100 Micrograms, They pay a price for the industry that is there.
Old Barcelona is great with tourists..50-55 micrograms.
35 micrograms/M^3 is deemed the borderline for healthy/unhealthy...