Usually low pressure areas, the weather is cloudy, rainy , windy or a storm brewing.
Higher pressure, usually a more clear sunny day.
As with heat and electricity, flow is from high to low. So air moves from high to low pressure.
Now, ideal gas law is: PV=nRT..
nR can be seen as change in mass
air loves its moisture and likes it at a quadratic rate. As temperature goes up, air can hold more and more water, but at a quadratic ratio (See a Psychrometric chart).
Open lakes, open rivers. open bays, are at a fixed 4-5 C, if they are not frozen over, so the air moves across them and warms up. The air then picks up moisture....
nR starts increasing
T is fixed by summer/winter/sun.
V is fixed (Volume)
nR goes up. P must go up.
Now in areas next to water, P is higher. Flow starts moving towards us.
the air gets colder, it cannot hold the water..nR starts dropping. P comes down.
Now, you have higher P near water, lower P away from water.. We get air flow of nice cold air, or snow.
A high pressure day, means the air sheds its moisture away from us, and so in regions away from us, they have lower pressure. Flow is out from us to them. so, no snow, clouds, etc.
vortices are different, they are governed by global air motion, and by being trapped in a triangle of high pressure, it forces the air to start circulating.
Ottawa would be Nice France if the Gatineau hills were the Gatineau Mountains... But my home would be $2 Million and I would be living under a bridge.