Gravity is universal. All bodies attract each other at F=GM1M2/R^2
so all planets, asteroids, bodies will stop whatever is moving. It may take a long time, but forces will balance.
In short, the arrow of time moves in one direction, loses ensure we can never go back...
And so Bitcoin will simply crash as 101 other ideas before it. Those at the front will reap massive gains. The others loses. At some point, the energy needed to support the Bitcoin machine will deplete. Effectively the rocket ship will run out of fuel.
Bitcoin will continue to grow, until a tipping point is reached and then a crash. If you are clever enough to grasp the cycle, you will make a killing. A day late means you lose.
Remember the TV show, Hell on Wheels. It was filmed in Alberta (I think). Based upon real events. The main "baddie". The rail road magnet was a real man. Made millions in 1865-1867.. Then it all crashed and he died penniless.. He failed to jump out early enough.