I missed it, but I heard he almost died?
He would have died from dehydration if it wasn't for how much muscle he has.
I missed it, but I heard he almost died?
He would have died from dehydration if it wasn't for how much muscle he has.
Damn, that's scary.
I hang up on any call the second I realize its person at a job.
I give people a chance to at least kill a few seconds spewing their automated spew before giving me a chance to speak, but the worst is the machines that take a few seconds to start the spew
I give people a chance to at least kill a few seconds spewing their automated spew before giving me a chance to speak, but the worst is the machines that take a few seconds to start the spew
I resigned my job as a tele-fundraiser even though my old job had filled my position. There may be a couple openings at other positions at my old job, or they may be able to give me a couple shifts a week, but they are not sure yet. I just couldn't go on at the call centre even if it was my only job security.
As a big proponent of keeping a steady income, I think you made the right call. My sister was in a similar position where she had a job at a call centre, but she hated it. Her entire body shut down on her for a bit and she had to go on stress leave as a result.
Being without a job sucks, but the reality is you've gotta look out for yourself. Not many others will.
Phew. This has been a wild ride.