Funny as a swedish-speaking Finn to read Swedish newspapers. All the "experts" say Finland got PP:s without causes and Finnish players "fell too easy" etc. I`ve never seen that shit in Finnish papers. It makes Swedes look like loosers actually. At the same time they throw their own, young goalkeeper under the bus. That is actually embarrassing as hell. Looser mentality Swedes.
Just check Aftonbladet and Expressen for example. Håkan Loob and his pals are morons.
I know theese "experts" are former players with minimal or non education, but throw a youngster under the bus is moronic. Sweden had a 2min 4-3 PP in OT and it was hardly on the goalie to score? Hockey players are usually dumb as rocks and it really shows when they are used for papers or on tv as experts. Always the same talk and words used. And if their team loose, then it was the refs or the other teams players that caused it.