haha when I read this last week I almost spit out my coffee. I was coming on here all hot and horny ready to rip Seca a new one but thankfully the boards were down and I've since cooled off lmao. But holy crap, what a delusional man. How do you even make comments such as that? I get it if you had some sort of valid evidence to back up statements like that but this team has done absolutely nothing to validate the comments Seca made. Please name me one thing this organization can hang it's hat on and deem an accomplishment from this season? You couldn't be more right about Seca sounding like a politician, that's exactly what this little interview was. Beat around the bush but never address the dire issues head on. This is what you do when you don't have a solution to the problem.
Really was hoping Seca wasn't one of those "I'll die on this hill" before he admits he's wrong type of guys but that interview really hurts his credibility. Zero self reflection or accountability from management and staff.
I'm not sure I see any good to come from this team making the playoffs so I'm all for continuing the trend of shit hockey for the next 3 games to ensure that. We've said this many times over the years, but just get to the off season, fix the coaching issues, hope for at least a top 2 pick in the draft and try again next year. This will go down as one of the worst seasons I've witnessed in my time as a Sting fan.