Sarnia Sting 2024 - 25 Season Thread, Part I


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Feb 16, 2016
Didn't get a chance to watch any action from the opening two games, but went to the pre-season loss in London the other week. Won't speak much on that as you know it was an underwhelming result and to be honest, I don't recall much lol. What i do recall is Brown being extremely good in that game. He got me excited for his progression this year. Think he's going to score a bit more than expected.

Bums me out to see Letang using big Bodin on PP1. I guess some things just never change :rolleyes:. Barr looked pretty damn good in that spot during the pre-season no? No brainer it should be Barr-Fischer....not rocket science coach, come on now. 1-1 opening weekend is a success however you look at it though. Well done.

As for my predictions for this year......

Finish - 6th
Leading Goal - Brown/Johnston (30 to 35 goals)
Leading PT - Johnston (we're fleecing LDN on this one, 80+ pts)
Surprise/Breakout - Barr (will have to do with coaching decisions)



Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
Didn't get a chance to watch any action from the opening two games, but went to the pre-season loss in London the other week. Won't speak much on that as you know it was an underwhelming result and to be honest, I don't recall much lol. What i do recall is Brown being extremely good in that game. He got me excited for his progression this year. Think he's going to score a bit more than expected.

Bums me out to see Letang using big Bodin on PP1. I guess some things just never change :rolleyes:. Barr looked pretty damn good in that spot during the pre-season no? No brainer it should be Barr-Fischer....not rocket science coach, come on now. 1-1 opening weekend is a success however you look at it though. Well done.

As for my predictions for this year......

Finish - 6th
Leading Goal - Brown/Johnston (30 to 35 goals)
Leading PT - Johnston (we're fleecing LDN on this one, 80+ pts)
Surprise/Breakout - Barr (will have to do with coaching decisions)

Yah if there's one thing that actually bothered me opening weekend it was the PP alignment change. Barr-Brown-Di Iorio had amazing chemistry on it in pre season.. obviously not vs OHL PK units but they seemed to have a few set plays & read off each other very well.. and in turn they clicked at an amazing clip.

Why in hell would u change it without letting them try it in the regular season? If u wanna make them PP2 & have Fischer/Wainwright/Karimov/Kostuch/Johnston as PP1 then fine, but no way they should've been split up.

Barr is easily the most naturally at running it..bodin has a big shot which is why he's on it, but that's all he can bring to it & it feels forced. Only slack I'll cut them is with Fischer Bodin Kostuch Karimov Johnston all not with the team until last week they probably got very few practice reps.

Very impressive debut weekend for Johnston. He was definitely our most dangerous F by a considerable margin. Was a quiet 2 games for Brown/Di Iorio/Doucette, but we gotta remember Brown is still 16 for another month & missed half his rookie yr & Di Iorio is 16. They will be overmatched some nights vs older teams.

SAG/FLT will be a good test this weekend..hopefully can split those & beat a rebuilding Soo team Sunday although last game of a teams first 3in3 is always tough.
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Dec 31, 2023
Yah if there's one thing that actually bothered me opening weekend it was the PP alignment change. Barr-Brown-Di Iorio had amazing chemistry on it in pre season.. obviously not vs OHL PK units but they seemed to have a few set plays & read off each other very well.. and in turn they clicked at an amazing clip.

Why in hell would u change it without letting them try it in the regular season? If u wanna make them PP2 & have Fischer/Wainwright/Karimov/Kostuch/Johnston as PP1 then fine, but no way they should've been split up.

Barr is easily the most naturally at running it..bodin has a big shot which is why he's on it, but that's all he can bring to it & it feels forced. Only slack I'll cut them is with Fischer Bodin Kostuch Karimov Johnston all not with the team until last week they probably got very few practice reps.

Very impressive debut weekend for Johnston. He was definitely our most dangerous F by a considerable margin. Was a quiet 2 games for Brown/Di Iorio/Doucette, but we gotta remember Brown is still 16 for another month & missed half his rookie yr & Di Iorio is 16. They will be overmatched some nights vs older teams.

SAG/FLT will be a good test this weekend..hopefully can split those & beat a rebuilding Soo team Sunday although last game of a teams first 3in3 is always tough.

Clearly issues with Letangs's selections for lines.(think jeffery does PP)
Just doesn't see players strengths. As been my issue with him since he came.

Need to put (but won't because filak is 20 and letang will have him on 1st line but isn't top line skill or speed, we can have and make us way more dangerous karimov wainwright doucette
Brown di iorio Johnston
Filak Edward's kostuch
Moses leuke franchesschetti

Pp1 doucette wainwright Johnston filak barr
Pp1 brown di iorio karimov kostuch young

Or swap young and barr but those are our 2 best offensive D let's use them.
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Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
Feels so similar to the Grover/Surzcyia situation 3 seasons ago. Went into camp with the returning goalie looking like a decent bet to backup Gaudreau & had an unknown in Surzcyia. Camp was pretty even between the two then in Grover's final pre season start he was absolutely horrid & that ended up being the end of him here while Surzcyia became the backup & now 2 years as starter. Funny enough even how all 4 play is similar. Grover & Chartier are bigger, athletic guys who struggle with consistency & remaining poised. Surzcyia & Maillet are undersized but really battle in the net.

Chartier entered camp with a leg up due to experience & familiarity on Maillet & they played somewhat even (thought Maillet was slightly better in scrimmages) then in Chartier's final pre season start vs Windsor he really struggled & let in a brutal tying goal with 1 minute left. I commented on here after that it was the kind of game that costs you a spot & I think it very well might have.

Sucks though. Chartier really showed flashes last yr especially at the start that he might be a good goalie in this league, but really battles consistency issues & struggles remaining calm in the net. Might not be the end of him with us crazier things have happened but barring an injury or Maillet really struggling it likely is.

Also, very clear Strathroy is who the team favours for sending guys too over the Legionnaires. Denes, Gaughan, Chamberlain (before making it) & now Chartier all sent there. As I've said before I'm happy about it. Former NHLer is the owner. They usually are solid compared to the Legionnaires who've been a tire fire.
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Registered User
Feb 16, 2016
Seems a little early to pull the plug on Chartier. I have a hard time believing that one poor preseason game was the dagger for him, or at least it shouldn't be. I mean what goalie doesn't battle consistency issues? Especially after only 24 games as a rookie goaltender. Is there more going on behind closed doors? who knows..

I thought he was primed to be our back up after last season. I'll echo everything StingUpdates said about the flashes he showed last year. Think he possesses a lot of the right tools to become an eventual starter in this league. I don't care for any argument regarding his stats because any young goaltender would have had those under the Stings weak roster last year. His size and athletic ability is top notch, there's not doubting that. Hoping this is just to help build some confidence and that he finds his way back eventually to be able to prove himself.

That being said, I personally have seen hardly anything of Maillet so I'll refrain from commenting much on him. Seems like he has certainly earned himself an opportunity based on what ya'll have been saying on here.

I think we should expect to see Surzycia most nights. I'm doubting the Sting are going to give a 1st year goaltender any more games then what Chartier had last year. Makes for an interesting timeline for Maillets development. Technically he'd be the starter next year after only whatever amount of games he gets in this year as back-up....seems risky!

Who owns strathroy?
didn't Cory Conachar buy it recently?
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Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
Seems a little early to pull the plug on Chartier. I have a hard time believing that one poor preseason game was the dagger for him, or at least it shouldn't be. I mean what goalie doesn't battle consistency issues? Especially after only 24 games as a rookie goaltender. Is there more going on behind closed doors? who knows..

I thought he was primed to be our back up after last season. I'll echo everything StingUpdates said about the flashes he showed last year. Think he possesses a lot of the right tools to become an eventual starter in this league. I don't care for any argument regarding his stats because any young goaltender would have had those under the Stings weak roster last year. His size and athletic ability is top notch, there's not doubting that. Hoping this is just to help build some confidence and that he finds his way back eventually to be able to prove himself.

That being said, I personally have seen hardly anything of Maillet so I'll refrain from commenting much on him. Seems like he has certainly earned himself an opportunity based on what ya'll have been saying on here.

I think we should expect to see Surzycia most nights. I'm doubting the Sting are going to give a 1st year goaltender any more games then what Chartier had last year. Makes for an interesting timeline for Maillets development. Technically he'd be the starter next year after only whatever amount of games he gets in this year as back-up....seems risky!

didn't Cory Conachar buy it recently?
Definitely more than that game. He was really bad in the 2nd half of last yr. Big part obviously goes to a bad, super young team in front of him but I doubt he even had a 0.850 in 2024. I just brought it up as he was in a tight battle for the #2 spot and that type of game hurt his chances a lot.

Was just OK in camp then has a bad pre season. I see the reasoning. Maybe they feel he's hit his ceiling and with Maillet there's more room to grow as a player. But I am surprised they didn't keep him up & see him in a few games, but we also don't get to see practice.

I was honestly surprised Maillet started in Saginaw. He played pretty damn well too. Stats were misleading with them folding the final 5 minutes & allowing 3. Should get 1 this weekend but yah I imagine Surzycia gets 45 starts if not 50 unless Maillet plays legitimately well in most of his starts.

And yes on Conacher being their owner. The head coach is also former NHLer Jason Williams.
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Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Feels so similar to the Grover/Surzcyia situation 3 seasons ago. Went into camp with the returning goalie looking like a decent bet to backup Gaudreau & had an unknown in Surzcyia. Camp was pretty even between the two then in Grover's final pre season start he was absolutely horrid & that ended up being the end of him here while Surzcyia became the backup & now 2 years as starter. Funny enough even how all 4 play is similar. Grover & Chartier are bigger, athletic guys who struggle with consistency & remaining poised. Surzcyia & Maillet are undersized but really battle in the net.

Chartier entered camp with a leg up due to experience & familiarity on Maillet & they played somewhat even (thought Maillet was slightly better in scrimmages) then in Chartier's final pre season start vs Windsor he really struggled & let in a brutal tying goal with 1 minute left. I commented on here after that it was the kind of game that costs you a spot & I think it very well might have.

Sucks though. Chartier really showed flashes last yr especially at the start that he might be a good goalie in this league, but really battles consistency issues & struggles remaining calm in the net. Might not be the end of him with us crazier things have happened but barring an injury or Maillet really struggling it likely is.

Also, very clear Strathroy is who the team favours for sending guys too over the Legionnaires. Denes, Gaughan, Chamberlain (before making it) & now Chartier all sent there. As I've said before I'm happy about it. Former NHLer is the owner. They usually are solid compared to the Legionnaires who've been a tire fire.

Thought chartier had alot of promise my knock on him is over playing like benny used to do. Goalies that succeed are positional sound not always the best athletes. Can't teach size and athleticism think we are sending him down as no interest from other teams to trade at this time. Way better to send down and play than to waive him and lose any value. We also dont know if he asked for a trade and needs to play to draw interest.
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Mar 18, 2009
Sarnia does not have a good track record over the last 10 seasons of drafting and developing true #1 goalies. I mean it's debatable that Fazio and Gaudreau were but look at all the other sub par goalies they've drafted and attempted to develop.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
Sarnia does not have a good track record over the last 10 seasons of drafting and developing true #1 goalies. I mean it's debatable that Fazio and Gaudreau were but look at all the other sub par goalies they've drafted and attempted to develop.
Fazio, Gaudreau, Thornton & Fulcher been the only 4. Traded 2 of em & Gaudreau was more a let down than he was a stud. Certainly been an adventure.

I'll say I think Langevin was a better goalie than his stats ever said. The teams he played behind were just so atrocious, but still wasn't anything special.

They've been burned by taking Gaudreau & Hughes high which I think has scared them. Then guys who we thought might pan out (Grover, Chartier, Coffin) just haven't.

Ive always said I wish they took more American goalies. Not saying the stars who are NCAA committed, but they love taking swings on Fs & D but never G it seems from the US (outside Quinlan)..

Have my hopes up with Grovestine after his phenomenal camp, but who knows how he'll develop & if he doesn't we'll be in the goalie market next yr & beyond which isn't great.

Actually been pretty wild how few truly elite goalies this franchise has had. Probably not a coincidence they also haven't won much.
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Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Chartier to Strathroy on loan.
That’s why you waive him, only way you can get him to jr b

Fazio, Gaudreau, Thornton & Fulcher been the only 4. Traded 2 of em & Gaudreau was more a let down than he was a stud. Certainly been an adventure.

I'll say I think Langevin was a better goalie than his stats ever said. The teams he played behind were just so atrocious, but still wasn't anything special.

They've been burned by taking Gaudreau & Hughes high which I think has scared them. Then guys who we thought might pan out (Grover, Chartier, Coffin) just haven't.

Ive always said I wish they took more American goalies. Not saying the stars who are NCAA committed, but they love taking swings on Fs & D but never G it seems from the US (outside Quinlan)..

Have my hopes up with Grovestine after his phenomenal camp, but who knows how he'll develop & if he doesn't we'll be in the goalie market next yr & beyond which isn't great.

Actually been pretty wild how few truly elite goalies this franchise has had. Probably not a coincidence they also haven't won much.
Grovestine was a backup in u16 and a 10th round pick. not trying to be a buzzkill but he is a long shot. Remember how hard you guys hyped chartier after his first camp


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Sarnia does not have a good track record over the last 10 seasons of drafting and developing true #1 goalies. I mean it's debatable that Fazio and Gaudreau were but look at all the other sub par goalies they've drafted and attempted to develop.

Also trade thornton after he signs a NHL entry level and kept Gaudreau when he was drafted and the team had no interest in signing him. Think that was huge mistake in go for it year, picked the wrong goalie. Just because gaudreau was highest drafted. Oh well maybe DS learned for that will give mailett a chance after chartier had a chance and see where that goes my guess or bet is Surzycia will play 50 +games.

I'm more concerned with SIM staying and taking a roster spot, when he really can't play this level and only hurts team

Very concerned early this year.
Letang sort it out already


Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
That’s why you waive him, only way you can get him to jr b

Grovestine was a backup in u16 and a 10th round pick. not trying to be a buzzkill but he is a long shot. Remember how hard you guys hyped chartier after his first camp
Oh for sure. I did hear he was a backup to an elite G and he showed well when he did play. And I liked Chartier at his first camp, but he wasn't as impressive as Grovestine. Only allowed 1 goal all week, but most definitely. 1 week doesn't mean anything.

Hopefully him or Osipenko develop well, if not gotta go find one next yr.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Oh for sure. I did hear he was a backup to an elite G and he showed well when he did play. And I liked Chartier at his first camp, but he wasn't as impressive as Grovestine. Only allowed 1 goal all week, but most definitely. 1 week doesn't mean anything.

Hopefully him or Osipenko develop well, if not gotta go find one next yr.
One week is hard to make judgements on


Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
Tough weekend ahead. Starts with a rematch with Saginaw who's been filling the net, Misa especially. Need Fischer-Bodin stapled to that line all night to try & minimize how much damage they do.

Hopefully the vet line can keep it up (if they are together still) & need the 23-17-25 line to get going. Be nice to get Karimov back in there. Hopefully Moses &/or Franceschetti are back in to help that 4th line & hopefully whoever starts (Surzycia probably) can give another strong effort.

Type of game I'm not expecting a win with Saginaw projecting to be a top 4/5 team in the west, but definitely wanna see them play better than last Saturday & see where it takes them.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Tough weekend ahead. Starts with a rematch with Saginaw who's been filling the net, Misa especially. Need Fischer-Bodin stapled to that line all night to try & minimize how much damage they do.

Hopefully the vet line can keep it up (if they are together still) & need the 23-17-25 line to get going. Be nice to get Karimov back in there. Hopefully Moses &/or Franceschetti are back in to help that 4th line & hopefully whoever starts (Surzycia probably) can give another strong effort.

Type of game I'm not expecting a win with Saginaw projecting to be a top 4/5 team in the west, but definitely wanna see them play better than last Saturday & see where it takes them.

Playing 25 23 17 more than vet line and on pp isn't going to give us a hope to keep this weekend close. To much too soon for 17 and 23 together IMO.
Need a legitimate top line identity.
23 18 25 don't have a goal scored between them, while 11 12 37 have 5 goals atleast in 2 games just confused with letang and staff. We will see how it goes just don't want to see any exodus from any vets by this style of coaching they've earned their minutes while others haven't.
DS would need to step in here I'd say sooner than later have to win games and compete night in night out. We can't gave back to back miss playoff years will hurt organization.

In this league teams win compete with vets playing more(majority vet lines) and lose playing 17 16 year olds too much type of style more than vets, that's proven

Sting Updates what's your take on this?
Really hope hurt and fischer get back together as well and play sags and flints top lines. Bodin footspeed/ lateral play and D zone reallly exposed last weekend and hasn't shown he he more than 3rd pairing as of yet hope anderson draws in and bridgewater out. Bodin with Anderson on 3rd and Barr to 2nd with young.really love to see barr with fischer and young with Hurt as well


Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
Playing 25 23 17 more than vet line and on pp isn't going to give us a hope to keep this weekend close. To much too soon for 17 and 23 together IMO.
Need a legitimate top line identity.
23 18 25 don't have a goal scored between them, while 11 12 37 have 5 goals atleast in 2 games just confused with letang and staff. We will see how it goes just don't want to see any exodus from any vets by this style of coaching they've earned their minutes while others haven't.
DS would need to step in here I'd say sooner than later have to win games and compete night in night out. We can't gave back to back miss playoff years will hurt organization.

In this league teams win compete with vets playing more(majority vet lines) and lose playing 17 16 year olds too much type of style more than vets, that's proven

Sting Updates what's your take on this?
Really hope hurt and fischer get back together as well and play sags and flints top lines. Bodin footspeed/ lateral play and D zone reallly exposed last weekend and hasn't shown he he more than 3rd pairing as of yet hope anderson draws in and bridgewater out. Bodin with Anderson on 3rd and Barr to 2nd with young.really love to see barr with fischer and young with Hurt as well
The issue is Sarnia has very few veteran Fs. They are the youngest team in the conference, 2nd youngest in the league. It's hard to protect them from hard matchups.

Brown is legitimately their 2nd or 3rd best F. Di Iorio & Edwards are their 2nd & 3rd best legitimate Centers. They more or less gotta Live and die by their youth & that their current vet F group is considerably better than last year's.

On D yah I'd split up Fischer and Bodin. They are good & can be a great shutdown pair, but I'd rather spread it out.

Moses back in tonight. Sim out. Other than that same F lines as last weekend.
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Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Disagree sorry, Brown is top 5 for me, just doesn't move puck! I'd say Di iorio ahead of Brown complete player.
But it's early and have this conversation after 1st 20 games think you will change your preseason mind.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2016
The issue is Sarnia has very few veteran Fs. They are the youngest team in the conference, 2nd youngest in the league. It's hard to protect them from hard matchups.

Brown is legitimately their 2nd or 3rd best F. Di Iorio & Edwards are their 2nd & 3rd best legitimate Centers. They more or less gotta Live and die by their youth & that their current vet F group is considerably better than last year's.

On D yah I'd split up Fischer and Bodin. They are good & can be a great shutdown pair, but I'd rather spread it out.

Moses back in tonight. Sim out. Other than that same F lines as last weekend.
Agree. Our veteran group has produced very little offensively in this league in their careers. Sting have no choice but to have 17/16 year olds playing in the top 6. Brown/Kostuch/Edwards/Di Lorio are the 4 cornerstones of this teams offense going forward. I much rather see any of those 4 on the first unit PP over guys like Filak and Doucette who struggle to produce on a pretty consistent basis since they've been in the league. Focus must lean more towards the youth/future in my opinion.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
So your not going with wainwright and young and now Johnston as 19 year olds and doucette who deserve to get all the opportunities to produce, seniority league! young guys need to earn icetime all day, that protects the future can't be given everything on silver platter that will unravel development going forward ans create entitled group. Have to play with players like wainwright young etc to develop. They Just can't play down speed wise and puck movement wise. Development happens when older players push younger playets to play faster and see game faster that doesn't happen with all young guys on pp or line. Believe it or not that's how development works I like the guys we have dont get me wrong just like to see them in spots to help us compete just not liking the letang method of development so far this year. Time will come for di iorio, Edward's etc time just isn't now it will come, patience, let development happen how it has for 50 years
AHL NCAA OHL etc seniority based development leagues.
Forcing younger guys into roles they arenr ready for is going to delay teams development.


Registered User
Jan 12, 2019
What a fun period of hockey. Awful play from bodin on 1at goal. Just fell asleep and u can't do that vs Misa..

Other than that love how we played. Every like skating well & generating. Fischer is flying. Heck of a shot from Kostuch who looks great. Just can't fall asleep like they did last week after 1 vs sag


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