Sarnia Sting 2024 - 25 Season Thread, Part I


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Thoughts on last night......

Surzycia was very good. His poise and calmness really helped settle down the chaos in the defensive end at times. He looked sharp from the get go and never looked back. Huge game for him. When he plays like that, it gives this team so much more confidence in front of him.

Edwards could have 12 goals already lol. The amount of times that guy finds himself in the literal "perfect" spot is insane to me. He is the definition of having a "nose for the net". It's not by chance either, he's such a smart player and knows how to find the puck and open ice for himself.

While I agree having your top line as 12/11/24 seems a bit ridiculous, it's certainly helped reign in two consecutive wins. Might not look pretty, but it's working. I'm also fully aware that having someone like 24 on your first line is a complete waste of core development minutes when there are guys like 23,17,81,19 and 18 who are your teams future and should be developing/learning along side a stable vet like 12.

I don't know the answers to the line combs but I do know Karimov on line 4 is not ok. Letang playing with fire and risking losing someone of Karimovs potential would be a pretty big piss off. Gotta let guys like him have a bit of a longer leash with their creativity, but we all know how structured Letang like things. I'm sure the cultural difference is an issue as well. Karimov comes from hard-nosed Russia and was developed under what I'd assume would be some rough and tough coaches. Pretty big change coming over here to Letang who cares more about the type of person you are than hockey player.

People seem to forget this team is in a rebuild. You're going to see a mix of rookies/vets on PP's, PK's and throughout all 4 lines. The purpose of a rebuild is to have an abundance of ice time available to your young players so they can ALL on ice situations. What good is it to have Wainwright and Doucette on PP1 this year? You'd rather have them on a PP chewing up all that ice time on top of their top 6 mins when they won't even be apart of this team when we plan to contend? stingwagoner you mentioned about seeing the bigger about that one? Giving PP time to two guys who wont be here next year seems counter productive to the development of our core young players that will be instrumental in the success of this team going forward beyond this REBUILD season. That being said, I much rather have 12 or 25 on PP1 over 11. I would also love if London came knocking on the door for 12 (they won't). Why wouldn't we want some assets in return to help build towards the next few years when we plan to contend? 25/11 can be on the table as well and should be if there is interest form other teams. Comparing Wainwright to Kyrou is crazy to me but you do you!

17/81 also deserve some high praise. It's not like they demanded these minutes they are playing. They play what they're told. For two 16 yr olds to step into this league and handle the minutes they've played already as well as produced, it's extremely impressive and is certainly being overlooked by some on here. You may hate it now, but you'll love it in a year or two when they are leagues above others in their age group....bigger picture right? 23/18 will get going in no time, I have no concerns about that.

Only 9 games into the season folks. Discuss away but it's certainly not the time to being sounding any alarms yet.

12 is only 19, has this year and next year still when sting will start competing.
25 /11 done after this year.
What was implied was 12 reminds me of kyrou never compared to him. Big difference.
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Registered User
Feb 16, 2016
12 is only 19, has this year and next year still when sting will start competing.
25 /11 done after this year.
What was implied was 12 reminds me of kyrou never compared to him. Big difference.
My bad on Wainwright. Thanks for the correction. Out of curiosity, how does Wainwright remind you of Kyrou?


Registered User
Apr 9, 2023
StingUpdates your not seeing the bigger picture. Players are going to leave, then this future you talk about will be de-railed as fast as the glimmer shines. Every other team plays the crap out of their Draft eligible guys showcase them and take pride in what they have helped develop. Don't see it here except fischer last year but he was gettin drafted regardless how much he played.

Karimov could leave at anytime and go play KHL and up his draft status by the way this looks for him. That's all I'm saying he came for N.A style of hockey but not playing 3 option roles.

As for wainwright, come on, he is this team's real Captain we all know that, not by letter but by everything he does for this team, he is one of the best passers, receiving and giving and playmaker this team has, underrated shot and has been part of this team for a 4th year now. He is proven scorer since came up just not ever used on pp or numbers could be alot higher. Not sure why any knocks on him would come from you. Not sure when respect and seniority kicks in plus time to showcase him. Injury last year really hurt his season for looks plus coaches didn't help much either parking him with brown on 3rd line most of year. His play this year seems best yet and not using him pp1 is a slap to everything he has done here but with confidence comes everything else. One of top 3 faceoff guys and centerman in league lose him we fall back a tonne this year. Playing him with 2 legitimate 3rd line guys is another kick in the butt to him (after taking his fulltime "A" away for a PT "A" when he should have been this teams "C"), tell me how playing him with filak and moses tells him he is tip line guy but playing him with a glorified 3rd line while doucette down the line up who is perfect mesh, i see his patience with staff wearing thin same with doucette for that matter in his last year should be getting top offensive linemates not helping younger guys get up to speed at some point need to help showcase him to move on. Hate to think letang lumping wainwright in with a filak type player when clearly he is our top player IMO and needs more offensive support to really turn a new corner offensively

Kostuch doesn't deserve to be second fiddle because of illness/ injuries whatever he has done this year he still earned alot more respect than he is getting and losing confidence game by game Starting to show.
I'm not saying he should be top line but should get pp over Johnston who has earned nothing in the years in this league and gets everything because london had him ( has your praise as well) but london saw his true value and couldn't wait to dump him after pre season for nothing really.
Confused with this.

I have been big fan in Sarnia since I started watching about 10 years ago, loved jordan Kyrou and became a fan thats why my favorite player is Wainwright as he reminds me of jordan quite a bit. I just don't want to see this blow up before blossoming and making a legitimate run but don't see that happening with this staff due to issues like pp, playing 16 year olds a tonne and not having respect and clear pecking order to team values, this might come back to haunt us. Sure we all complained about Way (mostly me) last year on the pp and 2nd line etc but it's a seniority league we accepted some things but how things but to go to the opposite now is by bypassing the earn your ice development phase. Some players have 9 games played in their career let's pump the brakes quite a bit here.

I hope I'm totally wrong about karimov, want to see him stay here and making impact top 6

Not being negative being concerned, huge difference while being positive is one thing, being logic is another. You can wear the Raw Raw hat
StingUpdates but at end of day we were good out of gate last year then what happened? Lets not have a repeat.
Man , this is not the " Windsor " page lighten up and enjoy the game .


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