Having watched the interview - when he says: "Easy to head down, and...just to crying...and be sad...", I'm reminded of how happy and encouraged Samsonov was when it looked like he was our new, true, number one.
As fans we see the player's bottom line worth in stats. No wins, no worth (apparently). Obviously, there's a bottom line that he's not meeting as a professional and the professional thing to do is remedy the situation for all involved.
But I find it curious that some of our fanbase can translate their anger to such a level that would attack the person of Samsonov because he no longer retains perceived professional utility.
I wonder, if those same fans were as angry when they found out about Babcock and his psychological abuse of players.
And so the obvious question raised is: Are they aware of the dilemma?
Bottom line for me as a fan: Find a situation for Samsonov to heal with an open invitation to find his game in the AHL, with calm assurance that the opportunity remains open to him if he earns it.
And then we go out and find the most sensible solution that doesn't reflect past management's misuse what primary assets we have left on past their prime assets available; Middling assets for a middling stop-gap and get the club playing better defence if we/they can.
But let's be kind given the chance. Samsonov loved being our number one and its plain to see, he doesn't need any help beating himself down. He's obviously well aware he's at his bottom. We are as well.
I'll say this in all of this situation: I am elated, Babcock is no longer with this club with this player in this situation.