Doug Prishpreed
Registered User
Thanks for regurgitating the same thing everyone else has already said about him in this thread. Lazy stuff.I don't know about "sucks" but he was a 3rd RHD in Boston and got benched for most of their playoff series loss to FL. He gets by on playing/hitting above his weight class, but very often wanders out of position. I think a D-man like that going to a new team that's just starting to learn a defensive structure is a bad combo. His energy is off-set by routinely leaving guys open or not forcing them into difficult areas of the ice.
This summer I hope for KA to target a UFA like Pesce, Matt Roy, DeMelo, or maybe Hanifin. Joker can slot down to 3RHD. I know this is like hoping I win the lottery tomorrow though, so...
He played for TWO MORE minutes per game all season on a team that broke records for number of wins, so I’m not buying any of what you are selling.
He was able to eat up a ton of minutes for them because they knew how to use him, and had a well-built team around him so that they could leverage his strengths, and mitigate his weaknesses. They have a well-balanced team, good culture, and good coaching, and we have none of that and it shows.