The issue with our forward lines is McDavid hasn't performed well without his line being stacked.
The RNH - McDavid- Hyman line has good, not great results (54.6 GF% though the HDCF and XGF% are in the low 60's)
The Drai - McDavid - Hyman has insanely good results (76.9 GF%)
outside of those trios McDavid has largely floundered, where as Drai has been able to have relatively solid results with a wider variety of players.
The coach has understandably tried to find something that works so he can keep McDrai separate and we can have scoring depth, but its starting to feel inevitable that we'll stack one line in the playoffs.
Based on current in season results I believe our next best line options are Arvidsson - RNH - Brown (RNH has independently strong results with each of these 2).
Then Henrique and Perry are performing well as a duo, really strong GF% and GA suppression.