That's a... pretty novel perspective.
Well we have somewhat limited information form that era to begin with but we do know that professional hockey players, nevermind potential ones didn't get any special treatment and a great deal of kids died in that war.
How much it affected the overall pool is impossible to tell but it obviously would be more than in WW2 and a lockout season one would think.
I doubt that many here will give it any serious thought though and that's not a good or bad thing just an observation on how things work here.
Maybe in some future time players from the 2000's will be long forgotten and the same benefit of the doubt will be given to them but it's hard to say as alot of the information will remain.
going to sleep on a couple of votes here, Zetts and Sundin are 1/2 for me althoguh the order might be switched form alst round and McGee, Primeau and Dunderdale won't make my top 8, the rest is really up in the air.