Have you looked at the stats on how many even 2nd rounders make the nhl ?
Tampa traded their whole draft for Jewnnot this year like bone heads but they did make a valid point
Your ?, how many....
look, it's not 111% a blind crapshoot.
Obv earlier picks are deservedly higher rated b'c math says all things =, this maxes best chance to draft best guy.
Obv, human judgment is fallible, not just for Rs, and at all levels of draft there is human error. In some cases [like us grabbing Lias], it is obvious. In other cases {Krav] you see the talent, but mgmt totally screwed up development.
But that does not mean you surrender your obligation to draft well at the altar of vets, who may offer a more likely [tho not guaranteed] expectation of performance based on track record, but which at the same time will always cost more, due to seniority.
The need to field a deep team to win requires amap [as much as possible] having 4 solid lines better than the other guy.
And hard cap reality says not only can't you ignore youth, you must have a larger %age of it utilized so = max suppressing payroll, which = max flexibility for roster decisions
-- control the cap, don't let it control you
-- try to go for youth, but preferably better quality youth and esp foundation level pieces [can't believe some wanna trade KAM].
I would like 1 example of a team that has done what you suggest ?
In varying degrees, there are a number.
The Kraken have surpassed expectations.
The Wild have drafted well to some extent but went in for it and are held back by Suter, etc cap.
Closer to home BOS and BUF have drafted relatively well, traded surgically when opportunity permitted, and are strong competitors.
Sabes in particular took their lumps, drafted well, 2 superior bordering elite Ds w/top picks + other good backliners taken, and surprise, surprise, something clicked last year on top of patience w/Tage-meister and they have an offense.
It's ok to splurge CAREFULLY, INTELLIGENTLY, here and there AS THE SITUATION MAY ALLOW, but not w/typical Ranger MO of desperation.
So for all of the above, yeah, I am correct and our braintrust is wrong.