We often talk about why the defensemen are making poor decisions leaving a player alone in front of the net, or getting lost on the play, but way too often it has been because there's too many players below the circles and no help. And funny enough when they do help, they're so far below the circles that players just walk in with open lanes.
The forwards do a terrible job allowing players easy zone entries, and then the Dmen do a terrible job backing up and getting tangled up, allowing players to walk in way too far. On the dump and chase, forwards are nowhere to be found ,so our defensemen just wrap it around the boards, or get pinned and hammered. Of course, having defensemen with a quicker step to retrieve the puck and make faster decisions would help, so it's not all on the forwards.
It's just a terrible job all around by everybody and whether it's players, structure or a combination, there's no support.