@Machinehead is not dumb.
Howev, he is demonstrating that he has blinders on for this one.
Saying dealing Fox is "absolute nonsense as equal discourse" is close minded.
It depends on the return.
In addition, it is ALWAYS TRUE NOT FALSE that teams need to develop young talent to stay ahead of the cap hit curve -> best manage roster w/mo flexibility and extend the window
For the most part our team clearly has been horrible at that
and then exacerbated the situation by not listening to me and doing stupid trades and rentals.
Hence, there should be open minded discussions about dealing our top guys who have no strings [Shesty/Fox/Tro/bread] for a haul.
You didn't like the prop I had about about Fox to Sens
I disagree, but fine
now come up with something better
but coke for pepsi is not an answer, insisting on at least same known talent coming back is not productive
we need to demand way more than a potential dollar returned for an actual dollar surrendered
this is the only way to get back on track
learn with da bern