Trade Fox and the Rangers have the worst defense in the NHL with nothing coming through the pipeline.
we have coupla decent guys in pipeline, just not immediate, instant gratification
our backline will be determined by what we get back and how soon they can chip in but even if no D coming back,
like someone said if no Fox drops us from like 20th best D to 26th [ish] best D, that is a distinction without a difference
But also, we need a lot of help in multiple areas
must not pigeon hole ourselves
if trading D happens to get us better Fs, and it is a net profit, WE DO IT
if trading F happens to improve our D, WE DO IT
People who want to trade Fox for stuff and things are f***ing cracked.
I promise you if you had any other "top" D in the league and you saw them spend as many as 3 games with Lindgren you'd be begging for Fox back.
What you appear to be implying, but think you do not mean, is that Lindgren is a constant whether Fox stays or goes
they both should go, for dif reasons
At that point trade him to the Bruins for McAvoy.
See this is part of what's whack here
peeps gotta have an open mind and eye about returns
some won't move Fox unless LeoDrai is coming
Fox does not return McAvoy