In relation to Shatty I think we must define more. The use of "will have" in relation to him is also misleading.
Option 1: I believe that the starting point is that we can deal Shatty today (i) if we retain 50% and (ii) take back a Belesky type of contract. Brooks has reported just that too. If we did that, could we get something more? Who knows, maybe some suspect prospect or a later pick.
Option 2: So what can we get for Shatty in 1.5 seasons? First of all, his curve his heading downwards in a steep direction. He is a vet that has had injury problems. His production is nose diving and he hasn't been impressive on the ice. We are a rebuilding team, its tough to play for this team as a defender. For him to be tradeable at all in 2021 he must be healthy. He must have performed somewhat right before that time. Second of all, which teams might have interest in him going into that season? I don't think it will be the top contenders. I don't think they recognize Shatty as a potential work horse on a Cup winners. I think it will be those teams that has an OK young group but want a RHS for the PP to let everyone play their role, and so that they don't have to adjust to playing with a LHS on the point which can get you really bad results, and without a producing PP kids can lose confidence and so forth. I definitely think Shatty -- if he is tradable at all which is a huge question mark, he could definitely get into Richards, Redden and co territory -- at that point would return less than Zucc did. A 3rd and a 4th? Conditional to become a 2nd?
Its certainly not impossible that Shatty would have -- less -- value in 2021 than he does now. It would be very rare for a vet like him to turn a curve heading downwards around to even be flat for 1.5 years.
Comparing Option 1 vs Option 2: We now have 4 RDs in contention for a spot on opening night. Shatty, TDA, Fox and Pionk. Those 4 should preferably be complimented with a 5th RHS guy with some size that can PK and take pure defensive shifts. Right? TDA, Fox and Pionk is -- fully -- capable of sharing the PP assignment for us. In fact, getting that opportunity would be great for them and their development. Its there they can shine and build up confidence. Build a platform. Its also in that capacity we want them to train in game situations, so that they are ready for it when we shall start to contend. Right? Keeping Shatty around and being forced to give DQ orders to play him on the PP so that 'he can build up his value' is certainly negative for the kids development.
What impact does it have from a cap perspective if we deal him now and retains and take back a bad contract vs doing the same in 2021? None, absolutely zero negative affect. We either have 6.6m of totally dead weight on the cap due to Shatty until February 2021 when we deal him or we have the same amount of dead-weight on the cap related to the retention and bad contract we took back if we deal him. Zero upside in keeping him from this perspective.
I just think that it should be a -- very -- easy decision to make.