@Loki Dog 74 Great post!
Buch is one of those kids that is a bit scary to deal with. We all know the ifs and buts. But on the other hand, you got a player that (a) is really good today, and (b) constantly is getting better, (c) should have a lot of potential to improve, like some low hanging fruit near by for sure.
Kind of reminds me a bit of when Kovalev was traded.
At the same time we got at least a bit of a logjam at RW with Kakko, Kravy and Buch being somewhat similar in potential use and both Kakko and Kravy being young.
One day I am against trading Buch, the other for it. Hard to get a grip on what to do here.
Buch is one of those kids that is a bit scary to deal with. We all know the ifs and buts. But on the other hand, you got a player that (a) is really good today, and (b) constantly is getting better, (c) should have a lot of potential to improve, like some low hanging fruit near by for sure.
Kind of reminds me a bit of when Kovalev was traded.
At the same time we got at least a bit of a logjam at RW with Kakko, Kravy and Buch being somewhat similar in potential use and both Kakko and Kravy being young.
One day I am against trading Buch, the other for it. Hard to get a grip on what to do here.