Something cooking on the Willie Nylander front?
The TML brass are meeting with Willie in Europe, or have done so just recently.
TML has not offered Willie a short contract. Only 7 years are on the table. 6.5m per maybe. They read the CBA so they are not falling into the Slats/Gorton trap of trying to be cheap and get minimum AAV early during a players' contract. Willie had too good stats to immediately accept less than 7m per. Really young close to a PPG player. Some have taken less, some have taken more.
Will Willie take what TML are offering him to play in Toronto and get a shot at the Cup? Will they settle on a shorter deal? Will TML pay him? The deadline is December 1. Kapanen has done well with Nylander holding out. Would TML consider trading Nyls? I am sure Toronto are having some discussions with teams around the league, just get a feel of what the alternatives are.