LOL.LOL, you're old AF.
Yeah, I remember looking at draft picks in the paper, but all very meaningless because there was absolutely no context. You had no way of doing free research back then on 11th round picks, especially when you were in elementary school like me. Not to mention late round picks were mostly meaningless, that's why they shortened the draft. I knew a guy in college that was drafted, the team never even bothered to contact him. (I lived next door to a couple of players for one year, so I met most of the team.)
And yes, kids are indeed spoiled AF, we finally agree on something.
Different comparison but I actually laugh sometimes when my in-laws or my wife (born and raised in the US) tell me stories about her school. She was talking about her scientific calculator she used in school and how big and heavy it was. I started laughing because all I had was a log book. We were not even allowed to use calculators.
In India, I had never used the internet for anything other than researching colleges I wanted to apply to in the US. When I did research for school projects it was going to the library, checking out books. I didnt have a cell phone till my junior year in college and I did that only because I needed to have a personal number for job interviews. And it was a flip phone ..
It was such a different world but I loved it, ha ha. Things have changed so much in the last 20+ years. I think the whole human race has dumbed down a lot though.