RIP Ginger Papa

I still don't understand the like system and I refuse to learn. Good posts get engagement, thats about what I understand. So kudos to him. God damn, they must have broke the mould with him.
To be fair me neither.... all I know is I like to laugh, so when I laugh I use the laugh react.

The world could do with more Ginger Papa's
I hope this doesn't come across as ignorant. I didn't realise that GP was a Canucks fan. Having seen him and interacted with him on so many different teams boards. I honestly had no idea. He came across as an intelligent, very funny, caring, all around hockey fan.

Thank you Ginger Papa. Your contributions will be missed.
I know how to operate things... how they actually work... pretty sure it's some kind of witchcraft. :laugh:

Ah, yes. Spoken like a true power engineer...hahahaha. I still can't explain electricity other than Tesla was a f***ing genius. Westinghouse was pretty good, Farraday was excellent, Edison was a hack and a thief. Both my brothers are sparkies. It's still magic to me.

Apropos of nothing, I work alongside a guy who is friends with Washington's goalie coach. He really likes Logan Thompson. I don't know why the Knights thought it would be a clever idea to let him go, and neither does he.
Ah, yes. Spoken like a true power engineer...hahahaha. I still can't explain electricity other than Tesla was a f***ing genius. Westinghouse was pretty good, Farraday was excellent, Edison was a hack and a thief. Both my brothers are sparkies. It's still magic to me.

Apropos of nothing, I work alongside a guy who is friends with Washington's goalie coach. He really likes Logan Thompson. I don't know why the Knights thought it would be a clever idea to let him go, and neither does he.
Ditto here, I really became a huge fan the year we missed the playoffs, he came in towards the end, and was pretty much the only to give a crap. Those 3 shootout loses in a row where we went a combined 0-19 in the shootouts, how much more can a goalie do. He was a battler which I really liked about him, and even after Hill won the cup, I think Thompson could have done it if he weren't injured. It quickly became clear who was the better goalie, and it wasn't the one we kept.
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Ditto here, I really became a huge fan the year we missed the playoffs, he came in towards the end, and was pretty much the only to give a crap. Those 3 shootout loses in a row where we went a combined 0-19 in the shootouts, how much more can a goalie do. He was a battler which I really liked about him, and even after Hill won the cup, I think Thompson could have done it if he weren't injured. It quickly became clear who was the better goalie, and it wasn't the one we kept.

Yo, don't even get me started. I spent 1/4 of my summer in 2011 going thru every f***ing goal of the Cup Finals defending Luongo's honour because he won two games via shutout and no one gave a shit about that. That series should have been over in 5.
Yo, don't even get me started. I spent 1/4 of my summer in 2011 going thru every f***ing goal of the Cup Finals defending Luongo's honour because he won two games via shutout and no one gave a shit about that. That series should have been over in 5.
I know I was furious when they gave Hill Thompsons net vs Dallas last year. I imagine the only one madder was Thompson himself :laugh:, I've always had a soft spot for goalies. Big Kipper fan pre Vegas when I was a flames fan.
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I know I was furious when they gave Hill Thompsons net vs Dallas last year. I imagine the only one madder was Thompson himself :laugh:, I've always had a soft spot for goalies. Big Kipper fan pre Vegas when I was a flames fan.

Ew, a Flames fan!!! JK buddy. I'm just happy to talk hockey, these days.

My Kipper story is after he rocked us in 2004, I could never not play goal like that. But it takes a certain kind of personality and I just don't have it. At least as a player, when things aren't going your way, you can always dig deeper. To be goalie, you have to cede control to your team and hope your athleticism can handle it. I can hardly go into butterfly that fast without my hips and knees wanting to f*** off into the shadow realm.

There's a guy I play with that's in his 60s (goalie) and the crazy motherf***er isn't half bad on a mid-tier men's league team. I hope I have that kind of mobility at his age. f***ing guy is probably gonna live to be 90. We actually won a couple championships with him in net. Great f***ing guy, I'd go through a brick wall for someone like that.
Ew, a Flames fan!!! JK buddy. I'm just happy to talk hockey, these days.

My Kipper story is after he rocked us in 2004, I could never not play goal like that. But it takes a certain kind of personality and I just don't have it. At least as a player, when things aren't going your way, you can always dig deeper. To be goalie, you have to cede control to your team and hope your athleticism can handle it. I can hardly go into butterfly that fast without my hips and knees wanting to f*** off into the shadow realm.

There's a guy I play with that's in his 60s (goalie) and the crazy motherf***er isn't half bad on a mid-tier men's league team. I hope I have that kind of mobility at his age. f***ing guy is probably gonna live to be 90. We actually won a couple championships with him in net. Great f***ing guy, I'd go through a brick wall for someone like that.
Sadly living in NZ, never has the chance to play hockey, well real hockey any ways, we sort of played an equevilent in gym class using little plastic sticks and ball, no equipment, Played goalie then.... only time I've ever been picked first for anything in gym and that's just because no one wanted to try and score against me. The skin on my knees eventually grew back :laugh:
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Sadly living in NZ, never has the chance to play hockey, well real hockey any ways, we sort of played an equevilent in gym class using little plastic sticks and ball, no equipment, Played goalie then.... only time I've ever been picked first for anything in gym and that's just because no one wanted to try and score against me. The skin on my knees eventually grew back :laugh:

My parents grew up dirt poor and couldn't afford icetime for me after my two younger bros were born. I learned to ice-skate at 18. To quote my dad, "Usually when your parents die, you inherit money. I just inherited more debt." They were great people, but they were f***ing nutty. My dad's more exotic pets as a child included a crow he tamed and of all things, a god damn spider monkey. Imagine owning a spider monkey in rural BC. Also, the man grew up on a woodstove and rolled his parent's cigarettes by hand.

So yeah....most of my hockey was learnt on dryland. It's hard to find proper icetime in Canada if you don't have the means.
I hope this doesn't come across as ignorant. I didn't realise that GP was a Canucks fan. Having seen him and interacted with him on so many different teams boards. I honestly had no idea. He came across as an intelligent, very funny, caring, all around hockey fan.

Thank you Ginger Papa. Your contributions will be missed.
I like to believe - and I think he said it himself - GP was first and foremost a hockey fan

Anyway, that's my head canon
There's reasons we keep telling you to leave the rubber chickens and black candles where they are, regardless of your OnlyFans engagement numbers. You think having two major crashes so close to eachother was coincidence?

:sarcasm: ;)

I blame myself. I finally got to 30k posts. Pretty sure it opened the 7th Seal on this site.
I like to believe - and I think he said it himself - GP was first and foremost a hockey fan

Anyway, that's my head canon

Not even head canon, it was a fact. You can see it with the droves of different fans pouring in here to offer their kind words. He popped in almost everywhere on this site, and was well liked everywhere he went. A very rare feat.
Joined April 22, 2019 (Might be the 21st your time)
Post count 15,404
Reaction score 72,256, I think the reality is this is much higher, I think laugh reacts were a neutral reaction, but he made me laugh so I used the laugh react.
I would have given him a thousand more likes . . .

but I had my like privileges revoked, of course. It's me, after all
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Looked thru a lot of my DMs and realized a huge portion of them with the GPeezy. I dont like to comment here about a personal life as Im a bit of a shit but now I think about it a few days he was a beauty and now miss the guy posting. Not sure what happend but from my own experience it happens to those you love and you cant control it and hope the best for whatever happens after for the person and their loved ones. He was a beauty, will pour one out for GPeezy, he made an effort to be a human here when so many of us are key board warriars
adding hide avatars option

