In Memoriam RIP Buffaloed


"Eric Cartman?"
May 10, 2007
In the Panderverse
Damn the board will be lesser with his passing. My condolences to his friends and family
Wholly agree. If he was half the friend / family member that he was an Admin / poster, then their loss is large.
I posted this on the Mod board but I know you and I shared a lot of the same history.
I appreciate you sharing; many thanks.

Oh no. RIP Buffaloed.

He had one of the most unique senses of humor on this board and overall site. His wit was undeniable.
Agreed. I often felt that @Buffaloed, in his role as a high level admin, was nonetheless always "in our Sabres board corner" and did a wonderful job "straddling the line" between his larger responsibilities to this site, yet while staying true to his interest and allegiance as a Sabres fan. Not knowing firsthand what his job/roles/duties on this site entailed, I assume that duality at times wasn't easy. Many thanks for all he did, both for all of us, and from all of us, who love hockey.

Ethan Edwards

Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
I'm sickened by this news. He exuded class and warmth and wonderful humor through a few simple strokes of the keyboard. That's not an easy task to accomplish once, let alone with regularity.

I'm very sad about this. And I'm very angry at the culprit, one most of us know all too well. All my thoughts and prayers to the family, blood and extended. He will be missed...and never replaced.

Ken McKenna

Registered User
Mar 1, 2002
Still a bit stunned by this news. I was somewhat aware that Joe had some health issues, but didn't realize it was this serious.

No question, Joe was the heartbeat of the HF Boards. He certainly had help from many mods and tech people over the years, but Joe was the one that pretty much set the tone and helped keep the site running smoothly so that hockey fans from around the globe could discuss/argue about their favorite sport (and other subjects, of course). The fact that the HF Boards has maintained its status as the go-to message board for hockey discussion is a testament to the excellent job that Joe did for two decades. That's a great run - very few websites last this long, let alone maintain a strong following for that length of time. Joe deserves much of the credit for this success, but it's sad that he won't be able to add to that legacy.

It's strange, but despite the fact that we both lived in WNY, we never met face-to-face. But, we had plenty of contact with one another while he was running the boards and I was running HF, so I did get to know him fairly well. He was very protective of the boards, and made it clear to me that HF was my domain, and the boards were his. I figured it wasn't a good idea to tick off the tech guy since I might need his help, so we stuck to that arrangement up until HF was shuttered a few years back.

But, no need to blabber on. Many of you that have posted in this thread have pointed out why Joe was a valued and well-liked contributor at the Sabres board, so I just wanted to emphasize that he was far more than that when it comes to the HF Boards.

RIP, Joe.


Aug 22, 2006
There's so many thoughts and feelings flowing through my mind right now. Over the years, Joe and I had many discussions. Ranging from hockey, to our own personal lives. We didn't always agree, but what I respected most about Joe was he was always open minded. He could also be quite forgiving. Allowing me to come back, after a horrible mistake on my part.

Thank you Joe! First Fugu, and now Buffaloed. It's a sad day for HFB.


HF Bookie and Bruins Historian
Sep 26, 2007
Cambridge, MA
Somehow thought we’d have more warning, and I’d have a chance to thank him for all he did for this place. Another reminder to let people know what they mean to you every chance you can :(

Joe didn't want his illness to be a distraction to the board and he made that clear to the staff.

He did not want the board filled with get-well messages which explains why he never said anything on the Sabres board.

He was hospitalized in early May for what was believed to be a COVID-related issue and he was progressing well and then in late May, he dropped the bomb on his prognosis :cry:

He made it clear he had a plan in place to keep the board 'in good hands'.

He continued working tirelessly on tweaking our new software and was more worried about the board handling free agent frenzy than himself as that is the way he was wired. He did hint to staff that things were not going well.

His treatments intensified on July 25th and the last time he was online was August 2nd.

The owner of the board plans to do something in his memory and is in touch with his family.

The owner would like some input from the HF Sabres community on how to proceed. Our initial thought is to do something with the Sabres Foundation.

I pledge to keep you updated.


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