Do keep in mind as you support your favourite establishments 2-3 times a week that restaurant food is for the most part very unhealthy compared to home-prepared meals. And I don't just mean the fast food burger and pizza places. Most restaurants simply use far more saturated fats and sodium in their dishes than is desirable. And while the big chains will provide you with nutritional info on their web sites (which I take with a grain of salt heh-heh but that's another issue), you have no idea what's going into the food at your typical local restaurant.
Yes, you can probably find some healthier choices on some menus but they're often not the items you think will be. Salads can be among the worst offenders. I mean, there just isn't any healthy way to make lettuce taste good IMO.
And how often do people go for "healthy choices" anyway when they dine out? It's usually an excuse for wretched excess in my experience. Hey, let's get a plate of loaded nachos to start with while we're waiting for our 20 ounce Porterhouses. No veggies thanks, gotta save room for dessert! Hoo-boy, I'm stuffed. I'll sleep well tonight barring a bout of acid reflux. Urp.
We rarely ate out before all this and I'm certainly not going to increase that under some sense of obligation to keep restaurants in business. You just can't keep eating poorly on a regular basis over an extended period of time and expect it to not have a detrimental effect on your body. Super Size Me (granted, a ridiculous extreme) showed just how easily and quickly a crap diet can take its toll on your health. And the more your overall health is compromised, the more likely you are to develop serious complications should you get covid.