I'm not going to read something because you ask me to (I didn't even get past the title haha)..........So lets just agree that YES I think she is a rock star when compared to you and everyone you know and have linked put together when it comes to infectious disease
So if you have an article from another Canadian epidemiologist dated from early January that was yelling from the tree tops how we should be shutting down the boarders to all travelers and to stock pile PPE to save us from a deadly virus in China that would spread around the world and kill hundreds of thousands while bringing the world economy to a stand still then I will read that
Like I said.....We reacted late....but jumping the gun to open the flood gates now is STUPID.....Slow and steady opening is the right move unless we want to turn into Montreal.
If you want to blame China for having mislead/hold power over the WHO we can have that conversation in a different thread (not about restaurants haha)But if you want to be in Trumps camp and get back to it because you believe our numbers are low so we have beat this virus, then have fun and stay safe.
No intelligent person with any credentials in this field believes we have beaten Covid 19 for good in Manitoba yet.
I think my opinion is pretty clear and I don't want/expect to change yours.....
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