so does that mean the entire latvian team would somehow be disqualified?
Methylhexaneamine – What is it and what does it do?
Methylhexaneamine is a stimulant that has moved up the banned list in the WADA. It is used mainly as a Fat Metaboliser/ Fat Burner. It was first created to be used as a Nasal Decongestant, but its fat Burning potential was discovered and soon found its way into many brand name supplements.
Methylhexaneamine has many different variants; Methylhexaneamine; Methylhexanamine; DMAA (dimethylamylamine); Geranamine; Forthane; Forthan; Floradrene; 2-hexanamine, 4-methyl-; 2-hexanamine, 4-methyl- (9CI); 4-methyl-2-hexanamine; 1,3-dimethylamylamine; 4-Methylhexan-2-amine; 1,3-dimethylpentylamine; 2-amino-4-methylhexane; Pentylamine, 1, 3-dimethyl. These different names and variants must be looked for if you are at risk of being tested for your sport as they will all get you a ban. The frightening thing is, is that supplement companies don’t always name everything in the box. Sometimes they will name just what they need to name to sell the product. This is when they become dangerous. Stimulants can be added through cross-contamination in the manufacturing process. It may be added to the supplement for its affects, but deliberately left off of the ingredient list for a variety of different reasons.
Methylhexanamine is chemically related to amphetamines, however, the effects of it are only slightly higher than having a cup of coffee. It is not a strong, long lasting stimulant. It works with others to create a metabolic effect in the body. Its effects have also been questioned with a number of adverse events and at least 5 deaths associated with products containing Methylhexaneamine – there is no medical link between Methylhexaneamine and the deaths but it is believed that the fact that it was found in the blood stream of the people who died is “an important factorâ€.
Supplements containing Melthylhexaneamine include:
· Jack3d – USPLabs
· OxyELITE pro – USPLabs
· Hemo Rage Black Ultra Concentrate – Nutrex
· Rezolution – LG Science
Gravity's Rainbow?Not many people will get this reference but I love it. +10 points to gryffindor.
Not many people will get this reference but I love it. +10 points to gryffindor.
I was wondering how soon this joke would pop up. Well played.
At any rate, his name definitely rings a bell.
I believe he was specially trained to associate the sound of a goal horn with the food supplement, and can hardly be blamed for the whole situation.
Not many people will get this reference but I love it. +10 points to gryffindor.
So if it's not safe, it's a performane enhancing drug? Is nicotine a performance enhancing drug? The two are completely unrelated.A number of sporting authorities and countries have banned or heavily restricted the use of methylhexanamine as a dietary supplement, due to serious concerns about its safety. These countries include the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Brazil.
So not really a performance enhancing drug? lol ok.
So if it's not safe, it's a performane enhancing drug? Is nicotine a performance enhancing drug? The two are completely unrelated.
What you said earlier makes no sense. That's what I was saying.Not sure if you agree with me here or not, or it was just for yourself.
Because of the fact that you write like a 12-year-old who's spending too much time online, I guess I misinterpreted your words, lol wtfbbq u srs wow such confusion.Gooby pls.
It was a question, interrogation, not a affirmation, hence the question mark, heh. It wasn't like if i said the sky is blue.
Second thing, you would think if it was a huge performance enhancing factor, it would be listed as a main reason instead of some "safety concerns" which aren't really are. Granted it does not eliminate the possibility. Your mistake was acting into assumption of the idea that i was seeing everything black and white. Do you know me bro? Can you get my vibe? lul.
Dinamo Riga appealed the suspension.Pavolvs has been suspended for 18 months, Freibergs is provisionally suspended until the IIHF has decided on the sanctions.[tt_news]=8764&cHash=7d3d726448dab312e7890d70f04531d6