FKA Roo Returns...Still A Contrarian Apparently
I thought I wanted to be a dad til I got into my late 20s, early 30s. That's when my friends started having kids & I witnessed what it did to their relationships. I'm glad I realized it wasn't for me, because it was hard enough to maintain a functioning relationship with women without the child element present.
The thing I've seen with so many couples with kids is when one partner (usually the mom) forgets she was actually an individual before marriage & kids. They completely give up on the concept of self & her only reason for existence is her husband & kids. Men can only stand so much of that before they want to run for the hills. A good couples counselor would hopefully relay to your wife that she needs to have somewhat of a life independent of you & your son.
Women in general have a hard time making friends, because most of them are catty & superficial. (no offense to our female members). My GF doesn't have a lot of girlfriends because she's not your typical girly girl on the inside...she prefers watching sports to shopping or gossip. Her lack of female friends has been an issue with us in the past because she was overly reliant on me to be her entire support system. She used to get "jealous" that I was out playing golf or having a few beers with the guys without taking her along. But we've talked through it & reached a common ground for the most part. She's made more of an effort to be more social with coworkers, attending more female functions, going to yoga etc.
The last part about the way she acts around your son, I am unqualified to comment. Doesn't sound healthy, so I hope you can find a resolution.
Haha my female friend who I've mentioned here I want to visit and is in a bad covid state now, we both turn into Statler and Waldorf from The Muppet making fun of all these couples we know who go full cult when they get married and have kids.
You got bills and responsibilities I get it but you don't have to disappear from society for years at a time. There are ways around it even occasionally.