Red Dead Redemption 2 - Reder and Deader

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A dude in Annesburg made fun of my Legendary White Bison Hat and my character replied with "I just like being weird". :laugh:

Also saw a random encounter in front of the Annesburg gun store where a guy was showing off his new gun to his friend when he accidently shot himself in the leg.

I am now just kind of 'hanging out' in this game and just seeing what happens.
It's amazing that after dumping so much time into this game you can still stumble upon tiny hidden gem interactions like this while just hanging out in game.

I know we're still not that far removed from RDR2's release, but it makes me just day-dream about how deep of an experience the next generation of Rockstar universes are going to be... If they take the feedback from users and over-haul the UI to make it much more friendly they have an opportunity to make one of the most complete game experiences ever.
I just caved and picked up a copy - going in relatively blind, as I never played the first one and only peripherally have observed stuff about this one. It seems like it's temporarily ~40 bucks, which is why I caved, because I figured I'd end up wanting it in a few months anyways, and Rockstar games rarely stay cheap for long.
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I just caved and picked up a copy - going in relatively blind, as I never played the first one and only peripherally have observed stuff about this one. It seems like it's temporarily ~40 bucks, which is why I caved, because I figured I'd end up wanting it in a few months anyways, and Rockstar games rarely stay cheap for long.
I just got it for $50 CDN.
Keep us posted on how you like it, if you don't mind. It would be interesting to me to see how someone receives this game without being a part of the initial launch hype.
Keep us posted on how you like it, if you don't mind. It would be interesting to me to see how someone receives this game without being a part of the initial launch hype.

It arrived today. Ill post my initial thoughts later in the week.

I missed the boat on RDR and didnt play it until 2017, and only put a couple hours into it. Ive played all the GTAs since 3 and put somewhere between 10 and 30 hours into the various versions, but only ever beat Vice City.

So you could say Im about the only person on the planet who wasnt totally obsessed with Rock Star games :laugh:
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I got RDR2 after I finished Spiderman a couple of weeks ago (I knew I should've waited for a sale when I traded in those games!:laugh:) I finished Chapter 2 a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. I went into this game pretty much completely blind. I never played the first one and I'm not too familiar with how rockstar games work except LA Noire and that's completely different to this.
love it so far, but a little too much useless crap.
wash your horse and clean your guns is unnecessary. something i hated about San Andreas is "oh crap. youre hungry. you must eat" and here we go again. except that you gotta take care of your f***ing horse too.

euhh besides that the game is beauty. only have a few hours played so far. but its really good. (story and visually)
worth the wait.
It arrived today. Ill post my initial thoughts later in the week.

I missed the boat on RDR and didnt play it until 2017, and only put a couple hours into it. Ive played all the GTAs since 3 and put somewhere between 10 and 30 hours into the various versions, but only ever beat Vice City.

So you could say Im about the only person on the planet who wasnt totally obsessed with Rock Star games :laugh:
Awesome, man.

I'm the same. I didn't even touch a Red Dead game until this one on launch day and I was immediately hooked. I've been a huge fan of every Rockstar game since GTA3 as well, but I would say that I am definitely totally obsessed with Rockstar Games. lol
love it so far, but a little too much useless crap.
wash your horse and clean your guns is unnecessary. something i hated about San Andreas is "oh crap. youre hungry. you must eat" and here we go again. except that you gotta take care of your ****ing horse too.

euhh besides that the game is beauty. only have a few hours played so far. but its really good. (story and visually)
worth the wait.
Honestly, you can go the entire game without eating or caring for your horse and you'll barely even notice a difference. The same with the camp stuff, you can really go the whole game without ever doing this "maintanence" stuff without a big negative effect.
Yeah the maintenance stuff seems like it will be an annoying burden at first but then you realize it is meaningless and you start to kinda wish it did matter enough to annoy you a little.
it doesnt take anything from my experience. except that i think its dumb adding that to a game... but even and its dumber if you put it in the game, but you dont have to use it all.

oh well. fun game. ill just go faster and not care about the many warnings if you say the horse and i dont need to eat.
The slow pace of this game is not something I had anticipated. No fast travel is irratating too.

There are also aspects which seem needlessly complicated or tedious.

Ill stick it out for a while but im not sure Ill be able to handle it. At least I know its trade in value will be high for a while.
I haven't started yet, but I'll be sure to check back in when I do. I was thinking about starting it today, because I had a full unexpected day off, but then I realized that it takes a long time to install and didn't want to eat into the time had carved out to play (I basically did household chores and some work stuff, so could have had it loading earlier but didn't think of it). I actually budgeted for the installs from the discs, but then seemingly needed a download from online that would take several hours, so the end result was that I finally tapped into another massive game in my backlog, Persona 5.

I'm pretty hooked on P5 from my experience tonight, but that might be a good thing – I just finished GTA 5, and so maybe having a little break from Rockstar makes sense. Long story short, but I haven't played games in several years, and just picked up a PS4 around black Friday, so I haven't played anything since earlyish PS2 days. I had a blast with GTA 5 and still probably have tons of side stuff I can swing in and out of, and replay some missions etc, for a while.

I might get inspired and check it out sooner, but I've been mostly sticking to one big game at a time, so I suspect it might take me a couple more months at least to really dig into it.
it doesnt take anything from my experience. except that i think its dumb adding that to a game... but even and its dumber if you put it in the game, but you dont have to use it all.

oh well. fun game. ill just go faster and not care about the many warnings if you say the horse and i dont need to eat.

I would recommend going to Lake Isabelle in the NW of the map and getting the White Arabian horse. The speed is a huge convenience.

The slow pace of this game is not something I had anticipated. No fast travel is irratating too.

There are also aspects which seem needlessly complicated or tedious.

Ill stick it out for a while but im not sure Ill be able to handle it. At least I know its trade in value will be high for a while.

I gave up on the game for a month and then when I came back to it later I really fell in love with the game. I am still playing it and finishing up all the side missions and even just hanging out and riding around for fun because lots of random stuff is always happening.

It was similar to my experience with Stardew Valley and plenty of other games. I was frustrated and bored at first but after taking some time off and coming back to it later I fell in love and got really addicted. If you find it boring now but still want to like it (which was my situation, I wasn't enjoying myself even though I really, really wished I was) just put it down for a while and come back to it in a month.
I dont really get the point of the Honor/karma system in this game.

Like, for all the choices the game gives me to be a good dude, I just shot up a town and killed all the lawmen in it as part of the story.
I dont really get the point of the Honor/karma system in this game.

Like, for all the choices the game gives me to be a good dude, I just shot up a town and killed all the lawmen in it as part of the story.

Yeah that stuff is the worst part of the story.

There is one mission where you are negotiating an escape with some lawmen while you have one of their men held at gun point. When you finish bargaining for that one mans life you then proceed to murder everybody anyways.

Think of the karma as only existing when it comes to the choices you make (for example declining payment), and what you do outside of missions like helping strangers and not robbing people.

I recommend going full blown modern saint until you finish Chapter 6. The cut scenes and story are just better if you are a good Arthur.
Just booted it up to ride around and ran into such a cool random encounter. No story spoilers, but I guess spoilers for a late game random encounter.

So I am riding around and see a campfire. I follow it up and the guy doesnt threaten me. He calls me over to join him for a drink! I sit down with him and he starts telling his story. I kinda missed the beginning of it but I did get that he was maybe in the army or something. Anyway he was part of what sounds like basically a massacre of Indians that happened south of Strawberry. He is sitting there pounding whisky talking about how haunted he is by what he saw and after he finishes his first bottle he asks if you have another and of course I obliged. He polishes off that bottle while continuing on about the massacre and after one final swig he says he is just gonna get some sleep. He then falls out of his chair and dies.

Its a good game.
Well its growing on me. I think im getting close to the end of chapter 2.

As before, the honor system is just weird in this game. Even minor stuff. Like, I watched a guy get killed by his own horse (not my doing) and then I looted him because, well, why not. Lost honor.

I also accidentally shot some prisoners in a gunfight with that cannibal gang (whatever theyre called). Whoops
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You're gonna realize why taking care of your horse matters by the end of the game.
Is there a way to track how many hours you’ve put into the story mode? I’m at 30% but feel like I’ve put tons of time in

