thx for the clarification.
i am just reading through a few reviews and watching some yt clips and i must say the more i see the more i am leaning towards not buying it. the two main positives are the graphic/environment/big map and the story of course... knowing me that will be not enough to outweigh the massive grind that seems to follow you through all missions. following specific waypoints in such a big "free" world game is going to kill the fun for me. also the endless suppy of enemies if u commit a crime just screams grinding 24/7 to me. can i not just kill a village and own it like i could in skyrim... oh well. i think i pass.
but i notice a lot of free roam games are like this lately... the last witcher game was heavily script oriented as well.
You can absolutely go crazy in a town and the police will chase you and its not the end of the world. Its not like you need to fight everyone off. Just need to escape the town, hide for 30 seconds, then go back to town to pay off your bounty
I mean only you will know if you will like it or not, but if you prefer a good story/characters/environment over a challenge (both mechanically and mentally, there aren't many moments where you have to think hard on what to do or where to go next, you will always know) then you will like the game
As it has been discussed to death, the grindy elements of the game are only there if you want them. You can easily beat the game with the horse/guns/equipment you start with. If you are liking the game the grindy stuff is a nice bonus
Personally it was one of my favorite games ever. I think people have been excessively harsh on the game about certain trivial things but I'm no critic