Its kind of setting the bar low to suggest Melanson and Haggerty as bright spots. Haggerty is an average/above-average AHL player and Melanson is in the ECHL right now. Oates and Juneau for sure, but that was like 30 years ago.
Erik Burgdoerfer got a few NHL games in. 2 last season, even. Jerry D'Amigo, but he was only there for a year. Brian Pothier. There are dozens and dozens of other guys that had lengthy AHL/ECHL careers or careers overseas, so they absolutely still produce professional level talent, just rarely NHL-caliber talent. Most of the guys with NHL careers that played at RPI are like Oates and Juneau and played there decades back.
It's not to **** on RPI. It's a terrific school. The hockey program is mediocre at best. But, the good thing is that Kjellberg got an offer to go play somewhere. I wasn't totally sure it would happen. I was pretty certain it wouldn't come from a big/good program, but still--if he ends up being a decent college player he'll get plenty of minutes at RPI and the opportunity to face some pretty good players. It's a good deal.
Also, here's an alumni list for those who want to take a stroll down memory lane and remember some guys like Darren Puppa:
R.P.I. Hockey Alumni Report at