First Ping Pong Ball
That is what most were doing. Posting on stubhub and waiting for the tickets to sell. Although, I will be honest, I find it very difficult to believe you made thousands on the Mets and Yanks that year if you bought packages directly from the teams.
I usually stay at the lower price points. Grandstand $25 tickets were routinely going for $100+ against the Red Sox, Mets, Old Timers. Figure that's about 16 games right there times 4 seats which I had full season (2 were actually at $20 face) that's $4800 net on those games alone because at the time Craigslist was still effective and I was paying no fees. Then you had the stadium openers that were $300+ to get in the door. I sold early and I can't recall which if any games I took a loss on, and Saturday games were always double baggers. So as you can see it really starts to add up.
These days you have to pay stubhub a 25% fee off the listing and the mass market doesn't really care about baseball anymore