Because I don't want management to all of a sudden change their philosophy at the trade deadline. Losing the next couple of games will solidify that they will follow through with that process. Go on a 3 game win streak now and i can see them all of a sudden becoming buyers. I will be cheering for them to lose 7-6 with Nash and Grabner each getting a hat trick. Once they actually trade away some players and recoup some picks for the future, i will once again start cheering for them to win each and every game with their young lineup.
Do you actually think they would do that?
The decision was made, and the press conference and the letter is proof they aren't going to go back on that.
They are looking at the bigger picture here, and all of us as fans should as well.
Even Sather interjected and said, even though this is the path we're taking, we STILL can make the playoffs, and you take it from there.
How often to you see teams a couple points out of a playoff spot talk about rebuilding?
This is about being forward looking, and thinking in terms of the future. It was meant to prepare all of us for a lot of changes coming down, and that we might go through some rough times before we see things looking great again.
Even if they rattled off a win every game till the deadline, this will still be the direction they take.
They are selling.