OT/Offseason comment: This whole situation reminds me of the early days of Pokemon Go, when we would all go out in droves to certain hotspots and chase after big Pokemons...
A lot of people know here that after the draft lottery when we got #2OA, before the big choice/chase, I was a big proponent of drafting the guy I thought was closer to the NHL, Tim Stutlze, over the 3+ years away project, Quinton Byfield. But as a purple-blooded (some have accused me of having one eye and one horn) Kings fan of multiple decades/eras, I would 100% support whoever Blake/Yanetti/Kings would pick. No matter how strong my preference, I'm smart enough to know to defer to those clearly smarter and more knowledgeable than me.
To me, this was like having a Charizard spawn 900 ft. south of your location and a Dratini spawn 1000 ft. north. You can make it to one almost for sure but not the other...not both. So which do you run to? With Charizard you know what you get...it's a bad ass Pokemon that anyone would want. You get to immediately train him, fight with him and he will immediately show his strength. On the other hand, if you catch Dratini, it will take a lot more raising and he won't pay dividends right away. You'll have to evolve him twice, from Dratini to Dragonair to the legendary Dragonite, and that is a journey that not only is much, much longer, it might not even succeed. But, a fully evolved, fully trained Dragonite is significantly better than a full Charizard. (My PGo collection, I have one ok Charizard but I have over a dozen fully leveled Dragonites that are very strong).
So if we chose Dratini, we must understand up front we must keep training and evolving. We can't compare the development to the fully evolved Charizard. But we expect that if we can stay the course, we will have something better.
Ok the season starts soon...