You need athletes first, then elite training. Canada has it ass backwards where the starting point is paying for elite training, then you pick players from that pool.
People like Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, Theo Fleury, Ovechkin, Lindros, Chara, Pronger, Marty St. Louis, Mcdavid etc. are athletic freaks. If you prevent them from playing hockey or competitive hockey then you are killing yourself. I'd rather take a house league Lindros who plays 3x/week and shinny, at age 12, then coach him up, than invest $15k/year in 7 year olds who can afford that.
The NFL/NBA have the best athletes and there's basically zero barrier to entry for all kids/people. LeBron was dirt poor. Imagine he never played basketball because it was $15k?
I saw the same idiocy in rugby and it is why Canada has dropped from 10th in the world to like 30th.
A BIG part of the problem are grifter coaches, administrators etc. that directly profit from "elite training" for 10 year olds and $20,000/year costs. Or whose lives depend on winning a AAA tournament for 11 year olds. When you make that cost mandatory you now have money for a full time coach that gets paid $40k. Then that coach becomes a league admin, Jr coach, hockey canads etc. He does not want to say "hey, maybe it'd be better overall if we had unpaid coaches and lower the costs to attract more athletes." These ppl will always push for more barriers to entry, as more barriers = more $ and prestige for them.
They sell this by saying that it's just the cost of competitive hockey. It doesn't have to be.