Amusing how many fans "know" that coaches stink. No matter the coach, many will say he's an idiot. If only a fan could run things from his recliner.
I just call things the way I see them, good or bad..
You however, haven't addressed a single thing in my post soo how about we just question some of the obvious and why certain moves are being made without the slightest bit of thought put into them?
For instance..
Why does it take until after pre-season to get your 3rd and 4th lines together?
Chytil, Kravtsov..Why are players being asked to step up and "OWN" certain positions all while being forced into playing completely different roles than what the job calls for?
I'd call that f***ing idiotic to say the least..
If we're being honest, maybe Chytil, Kravtsov should start off in the minors but at the very least, they should've been put into a position to fight for the job they're gunning for, win or lose.
Instead..Let's just put him them in a completely different position along with every single line mate except the one's that they're supposed to be playing with, sit back and just watch them fail..Should do wonders for these kid's confidence
I didn't see Howden get that same treatment and he hasn't proven shit.
Smith..Who's only worth is on the 4th line as a FWD instead of as a $4M+D.
Why is he on this roster??
The "rationalizing, would've, could've should've" should be good on this one.
The only difference between my recliner and yours is that I'm drinking a beer and you're drinking Kool Aid lol
I don't mean to come off harsh but I just can't wrap my head around certain decision making when it comes to management, coaching when it defies common sense..