Step one.
Stop calling people naive or taking other little shots.
Disagree with their opinion all you want.
That was only after shots were taken at me along the lines of "you just wanna bitch and complain" and other little subtweet comments I get (please say it to my face, it's extremely upsetting when you snicker about people to yourself and others right in front of them)
You did none of those things and I sincerely apologise for directing it at you.
I'll be mindful not to go on the attack, but I will defend myself.
Step two.
Stop embellishing points, or implying that you have a first hand knowledge of something to make your point.
Examples - A. Making assumptions about what players did or didn’t do behind the scenes, before you were in kindergarten (the Messier debate). Dislike the player all you want, but assumptions on the behind the scenes stuff is when you’re reaching.
B. Comparing 2018 to 2003 when those rosters have next to nothing in common. That example completely defeated the point you were trying to make.
You’re a smart guy, but you gotta channel your talents more constructively. Forget what it does for anyone else, it’ll go a long way toward helping you.
Fair enough
A. I'm not trying to make any assumptions, but based on my own observations of Gorton, McQuaid will get preferential treatment over ADA the entire year imo, which disappoints me.
I don't know enough about Quinn to say whether he'll put his foot down or whether he'll want to, so we'll see where it goes, but I'm not optimistic.
B. Again I don't want to make assumptions, but I feel the tone around here is that if not Gorton, then at least this rebuild, is a radical shift.
Again, just in my own observations, I'm not sure I see a shift in philosophy. While Gorton is here for now and I have to accept that, I would have preferred moving in an entirely new direction with a rebuild, including removing Sather from the presidency. I do understand why that is unlikely, but I can't pretend it doesn't bother me.
Is that better? I'm honestly asking because I think you're a good poster and I'm trying to value what you're saying. I can't change my opinions but I would like to deliver them better if that would be helpful.
I'm not asking you to debate me on those points right now, I just want to know if I did anything wrong in that post.