since its after midnight and i won't be around tomorrow, here are my picks for may 8. Should be kosher with the post-midnight thing.
Bruins 4-2
kings 3-2
ducks 4-3
**** i suck at this...except i was status quo on the day
me first!
Pens 5-3
chicago 3-2 ot
4-2 pens
3-2 sens
4-1 hawks
i think calling 4-3 in ot for the leafs bruins game last night should at least be worth a point... Geez.
Chicago 4-2
3-1 sens
3-1 hawks
i guess my picks for yesterdays games were too early?
ottawa 4-2
penguins 5-4
chicago 3-1
3-2 birds that cant fly
3-2 blackhawks
3-2 pens ot
4-2 hawks
3-2 caps
4-2 pens
3-2 wings ot
3 - 2 caps
4 - 3 wings
4-3 caps
3-2 pens
3-2 wings ot
2-1 caps
5-2 pens
4-2 caps
4-3 red wings ot
3-2 kings
3-1 penguins
2-1 caps
3-2 redwings
2-1 kings
2-1 penguins
4-2 caps
2-3 wings
4-2 kings
4-3 pens