1. Finland
2. Sweden
3. Russia
Finland has solid team, not a superstar/all star team, still enough skill to get medal, even gold... Sweden has always solid and skilled team, no matter what tournament is going on and success will be almost certain, medal position is what i wait from them... Russia, always tough nut to crack, load of skilled players in team and only question will be if they have what it takes to play as team.
Czech could be added top 3 too but usually country that host games has huge pressures at their team...
I see Canada as good too, but at this stage i would rank them at spot #4 but who knows (Canada is always opponent that can change outcome of any tournament).
Usa will be really big question mark, success at this tournament is not guaranteed at any scale, can perform with skilled team but has usually problems with winning games.
Slovakia And Switzerland will add true challenge in tournament, at their best day can win so i would rank them places between 4-7
It will be very fun to see outcome of this tournament, did my crystal ball work or not with results